The Hongkong Telegraph.
Friday, December 26, 1913.
香港英十二月廿六號 禮拜五
Page 10

A Letter from Sir Robert Baden-Powell.
At 9.15 this morning, the Boy Scouts and St. Joseph's Body Guard fell in for inspection at the Catholic Cathedral Compound by Scoutmaster Edwards. There was a master of nine Scout Patrols compoced of 65 units, besides 25 of the Body Guard. A letter from the Chief Scout, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, to Scoutmaster Edwards was read. Sir Robert congratulated the Scoutmaster on the formation of the St. Joseph's Troop and extended to them "warmest wishes" for their success.
After inspection, the troop, in full uniform, marched out to Pokfulam where they are to work out their exercises. The Body Guard form the defending party holding the monastery grounds, under Sergeant Brookes. The Boy Scouts will form the attacking party under Mr. Edwards and Patrol Leaders Bunje and Braga.
At the conclusion of the scheme, the troop will march back to the College where tiffia will be served about 1 p.m. At 2 p.m. the sports, consisting of running and jumping events, etc., will be held. There is a very fine collection of prizes contributed by friends, who will also regale the boys with tea and cakes at the conclusion of the sports. His Lordship Bishop Pozzoni will present the prizes at 5.30 p.m.