The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, September 2, 1914.
香港英九月弍號 禮拜三
We have received the August number of "Our Scouts' Gazette," which is, as usual, bright, chatty and practical, and calculated to interest all who are concerned in the Hongkong Boy Scout movement. There is a useful short paper by Mr. A.J.Edwards, on "Mottoes," some very excellent editorial notes, and plenty of information about the doings of the boys. By the way, it is interesting to read that Major Dorgan, R.A.M.C., has arranged for thirty-six of the Senior Scouts to be trained as stretcher-bearers, in case of need, and that the volunteer nurses are undertaking to teach the art of bandaging to the younger lads. The Boy Scouts are now, with the permission of the Chief Scout and the sanction of H.E. the Governor "under orders," and parade every evening at 9 p.m. for sleeping in headquarters, and dismiss at 7 a.m.