The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, May 20, 1915.
香港英五月廿號 禮拜四
Page 5
New Magazine Started.
We have received the first two numbers of a new magazine The Boy Scout, printed and published in Shanghai. These were sent to us by G.Meadows, 12 Austin Avenue, Kowloon, agent for Hongkong. We have also received, in connection with the above, a copy of a letter that has been addressed to Scout Masters. The following is the letter:
Dear Sir,- The need of a closer union between the various troops of Boy Scouts in the Far East having been felt, this magazine has been founded in Shanghai - (needless to say by the Boy Scouts themselves) - to serve this purpose as far as possible. It also has for its object the promotion of public interest in the Boy Scout movement and in other boys' organisations.
At present it is the intention to publish the magazine monthly, but if the venture proves sufficiently satisfactory, a weekly publication may be considered advisable.
The first number was out in April, and though not intended to be what the magazine is hoped eventually to become it will no doubt serve the purpose.
Subscriptions, advertisements and matter intended for publication should be sent to
Hongkong agent.
"The Boy Scout in China."