The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, September 1, 1920.
香港英九月壹號 禮拜三
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It is now pretty generally known that the Boy Scout movement is about to be resuscitated in Hongkong. It started originally the year before the war by a Troop in St. Joseph's College, but, owing to a variety of circumstances, it did not spread beyond that College, and died a natural death in 1916. The war produced a great strain on the Boy Scout movement all over the world, and it was with the greatest difficulty that existing Troops could hang together at all, with so many Scoutmasters called to the Colours, while the formation of new Troops became a practical impossibility. That so many of the old Troops, however, were able to hold their ground, and even often to increase their numbers, speaks well for the vitality of the movement, and the power it undoubtedly possesses of infusing enthusiasm in those who devote themselves to this, one of the most successful movements of modern times for the improvement of boys.
When peace came at last, a retrospect was made of the situation; steps were taken to reconstruct the existing Troops and form new ones all over the world; and shortly after his appointment as Governor to Hongkong. Sir Reginald Stubbs received a letter from Sir Robert Baden Powell, requesting him to resuscitate the Boy Scouts movement in the Colony and inviting him to be Chief Scout. His Excellency accepted the invitation, appointed Lieut. Colonel Bowen, Commissioner, and the following to act as the Committee of the local Boy Scouts' Association:-- The Hon. P.H. Holyosk, President; Mr. R. Hancock, Vice-President; Mr. Weyman, Hon. Secretary; Mr. Brawn, Hon. Treasurer.
The Boy Scouts, it may be observed, are administered by the Boy Scouts' Association, which has its Headquarters in Victoria Street, London, close to the Army and Navy Stores. The Chief Scout in any of the Colonies of the Empire represents Sir Robert Baden Powell and administers the Troops through the assistance of a local Association, which has power to obtain Warrants for Troops, appoint examiners, frame bye-laws and raise any fund it may consider necessary for the development of the work. Besides the Committee all Scout and Cub Masters are ipso facto members of the Association, but any ladies or gentlemen interested in the movement are eligible for election. Needless to say, Troops and the Association are limited to British subjects, though troops of other nationalities may, if desired, become affiliated to the Baden Powell Scouts in "fraternal association".
His Excellency convened the first meeting of the Committee on the 26th instant in order that steps might be taken for the raising of Troops and the commencement of their training as soon as the Schools reopen in September after the summer holidays. Encouraging reports as to the formation of troops both in Hongkong and Kowloon have already been received, and there is every reason to expect that, with the advent of the cold weather, the training practices will be taken in hand with vigour.
Boy Scouting is intended, as is well known, to appeal to boys of every class, but is most beneficial perhaps to those poorer classes for whom in England and elsewhere it has done so much good. For such the expenditure entailed can hardly be expected to be met by the boys themselves, and it is anticipated that for the provision of uniforms and equipment the raising of a local fund will be necessary. The President and Committee would, therefore, be glad if any ladies and gentlemen desirous of assisting, and of election to the Association would send in their names to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Weyman, Kowloon Docks.