The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, September 22, 1920.
香港英九月廿弍號 禮拜三
Page 4

We learn that the progress being made with the formation of the St. Andrew's (Kowloon) Patrol of Boy Scouts, under the auspices of the Hongkong Boy Scout Association, of which H.E. the Governor is Chief Scout, is most gratifying. The recruiting rally held at St. Andrew's Church Hall last Monday was well attended, and up to the present there are some twenty boys anxious to be enrolled. Another rally will be held next Monday.
Captain Fogg is the Scout Master of this new Patrol, with Captain Bourdillon as Assistant Scout Master and Mr. W.R. Farmer as Secretary and Treasurer, whilst there is an Advisory Committee composed of leading members of St. Andrew's Church.
The new Patrol hopes to commence work by the 11th October, and it is proposed to hold meetings on Wednesdays and Saturday - on the former day technical classes will be held (for which proficiency badges will be issued from time to time). whilst on Saturdays the Scouts will go out into the country on scouting and nature study expeditions.
What should be emphasised is that membership of the Cadet Company of the Defence Corps does not preclude boys from joining the Scouts, as is thought in some quarters. The Boy Scouts are a purely non-military body, and the two organisations in no wise clash with each other.