The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, June 16, 1921.
香港英六月十六號 禮拜四
No 12,139
Page 4

The Question of a Hall.
All those concerned in the Boy Scout movement in Hongkong will be interested to learn that at a meeting held last week under the chairmanship of Col. Bowen (Commissioner) it was decided to place the question of building a hall for the Boy Scouts of the Colony in the hands of a sub-committee formed of the following:- Dr. Claud Severn, C.M.G. the Hon. Mr. Lau Chu Pak. Colonel Bowen, Mr. Ho Kom Tong. The Hon. Mr. A.C. Irving (Director of Education), Mr. E. Ralphs (Inspector of English Schools) and Mr. Weyman (the Secretary of the Boy Scouts Association).
It will be recalled that on the organization of the local force a number of years ago, a sum of money was obtained by public donations for the purpose of building a hall for the Boy Scouts, but this fund from one cause or another, had not reached the amount required to carry the project through, and the money has since been in the keeping of a local bank. The revival of the project was the principal business the amount required to carry the project through, and the money has since been in the keeping of a local bank. The revival of the project was the principal business engaging the attention of last week's meeting, and the motion for its attention by the sub-committee was made out of a recognition of the deep interest which the members of it have taken in the movement. Mr. Ho Kom-tong has been responsible for the organization and equipment of the Saiyingpun troop, while the Hon. Mr. Lau Chu-pak bas been instrumental in the raising of a large sun to meet the expenses incidental to the up-keep of the force.
It is learned that a troop of sea-scouts, limited to twenty-four of the best recruits, has been formed, with distinctive equipment and uniform, and that it is being subjected to a course of training under the supervision of Lieutenant Beauchamp, of H.M.S. Tamar. Parties for swimming exercises and the handling of small craft are planned for every Wednesday.