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The Hongkong Telegraph.


Monday, April 3, 1922.
香港英四月三號 禮拜壹

No 12,380
Page 1


Details of Arrangements.

   As each day brings the hour of the Prince's arrival nearer, the arrangements for the reception of His Royal Highness are being brought more and more to a state of (???). This morning, serveal of (???) (......) (???) more the (???) (???) of (???)  decorators hand, and there is already a general atmosphere of interested preparedness.

   Over the week-end a party of local pressmen had an interesting chat to Mr. Rice, H.E. the Governor's Private Secretary, who is acting as Secretary for the Prince's Visit, during the course of which was gleaned the following information regarding the details of Thursday and Friday: -

The Scouts.

   The Prince's view of the Scouts and Girl Guides at Government House as soon as he reaches there will be of an informal nature. H.R.H. wants to see the young people untrammelled by a crowd of onlookers, and beyond His Excellency and party, parents of the Boy Scout who is to receive a medal, and a few others there will be no public audience. The public will not deny the Prince this, that he asked for it confirms the impressions given us of the human side of him.

   St. Andrew's Church Messenger publishes the probable programme, which we understand, may be varied a little. It is as follows:

   "Cubs and Brownies will be lined up in horse-shoe formation on the Iawn facing the Main Gate, and Girl Guides and Boy Scouts will be hidden in the trees behind the lawn. Troop colours will be set at intervals behind the horse-shoe line, with one bearer only. On the arrival of the Prince the Brownies and Cubs will give a grand howl and all colours will be dipped. At the end of the grand howl colours will be raised, and at a whistle signal all Guides and Scouts will run out from their hiding places and from up in patrols beside their respective Troop Colours and stand at "alert." Patrol leaders will be at  the head of their patrols, on the right of the leading scout, and the Troop Colours will be on the right of the leading patrol of each Troop. On further whistle signal being given all staves will be raised in the right hand above the head and all will shout in a clear voice "Kung Ying" which is the Chinese expression for welcome. On a third whistle signal all Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts will sit down on the lawn.

   His Royal Highness will then speak, and finally will present the Gilt Cross to Patrol Leader Lo Kwok Chung, 7th Hongkong Troop for Life saving. On the order "Alert" being given all will stand and sing the National Anthem, all Guides and Scouts being at the "Salute." Cheers will then be given and when the Prince has left the grounds Troops will march away, starting from the right."

   The luncheon at Government House will also be a quiet one.


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