The China Mail.
Hongkong, Thursday, April 6, 1922.
No. 18,534
Page 1 & 9 & 12
Hongkong Hails you, Prince of Wales.
With Loyalty that Never Fails.
A horseshoe formation of “wolf cubs" and "brownies" confronted the Prince when he came into the grounds of Government House close upon half past twelve. Behind the “wolf cubs," who are the younger generation of boy scouts, and the "brownies," who are junior girl guides, stood older scouts who bore their troop colours. On a signal from the Commissioner (the Rev. G. T. Waldegrave) the youngsters greeted H.R.H. with their “grand howl" and the old Chinese Kong Ying salute. Then the Commissioner blew his whistle and on the instant out from their hiding places in the surrounding shrubberies sprang a horde of boy scouts and girl guides, all yelling shrilly. At first it looked as though they were about to stampede the Prince but directly it was seen that they had formed up with admirable precision upon their troop colour bearers.
When the children had saluted the Prince with their staves Patrol Leader Lo Kwok-chung was brought forward to received at the hands of H.R.H. the Gilt Cross a highly prized Scout decoration which has been awarded to him for bravery in rescuing a boy from drowning at Kennedy Town.
Addressing the youngsters afterwards H.R.H. said: "It is a very great pleasure to me to have this opportunity of seeing you this morning. As I realise that you have only been started a little over a year I congratulate you on your very smart appearance. I wish you every possible success here in Hongkong and I hope you have got more boys and girls to follow your example and join up."
Following the singing of the National Anthem lusty cheers were given for His Royal Highness, the "Chief Scout of Wales" and then the Prince and his staff disappeared up the steps of Government House where H.R.H. was to take his tiffin.
Between four and five hundred scouts and girls guides took part in the parade. The participating troops were:-
First Hongkong troop (St. Joseph's College; Scoutmaster L. Guterres).
Second Hongkong troop (St. Andrews' Kowloon; Scoutmaster A.E. Farrell).
Third Hongkong troop (First Wanchai; Scoutmaster A. Kirk) Fourth Hongkong Troop (Murray, Scoutmaster White).
Fifth Hongkong troop and rover scouts (Scoutmaster; R.W. Barnev).
Sixth Hongkong Troop (Ellis Kadoorie School; Scoutmaster Lam).
Seventh Hongkong Troop (Saiyingpun School; Scoutmaster Y.T. Leung).
Eighth Hongkong Troop (Wesleyan; Scoutmaster T. K. Chak).
First Hongkong troop (Capt. Mrs. Reed. Asst. Capt. Miss Warren).
Second Hongkong troop (Capt. Miss Price. Asst. Miss Shea).
First Wanchai troop (Capt. Mrs. Porri).
First Kowloon troop (Capt. Mrs. Trowbridge).
Second Kowloon troop (Capt. Miss Irving).
Peak Brownie troop (Brown Owl, Miss H. Irving).