The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, May 10, 1922.
香港英五月十號 禮拜三
No 12,381
Page 3
Consecration of a Banner.
An impressive service was held at the Wesleyan Church on Sunday morning, when the banner of the 3rd Hongkong Wanchai Wesleyan Troop of Boy Scouts was consecrated. The troop paraded in full strength, under the command of the S.M. A. Kirk, and attended divine service, at which as address appropriate to the occasion was given by the Chaplain to the Troop, the Rev. C. Clouston Porth, H.C.F.
The simple and solemn ceremony of the consecration began with the singing of "Fight the good fight," followed by a prayer and the reading of the Scripture Lesson, the 15th Psalm by the Scout Master. The colour were dedicated by the Chaplain "to the glory of tied and as a visible token of the honour of the 3rd Hongkong Wanchai Wesleyan Troop of Boy Scouts." They were then presented to the colour party, who were exhorted to "Guard them well." The National Anthem was sung and the benediction pronounced. The Troop marched in procession with their banner, while the choir sang "Onward Christian Soldiers."
The ceremony was witnessed by a representative gathering of members of the congregation, including men of both the Services, a company of Girl Guides, and Brownies and Wolf Cubs.