The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, July 10, 1922.
香港英七月十號 禮拜壹
No 12,733
Page 3
Church Parade at St. Andrew's.
The St. Andrew's Church Boy Scouts, under the command of Scout-Master Farrell, hold their annual church parade yesterday morning and were inspected by Commodore Grace in the Church Hall at Kowloon. The Commodore referred in eulogistic term to their fine appearance and urged them always to bear in mind the main object of the Boy Scouts’ Association, namely to help each other.
The Scout Commissioner Rev. G.T. Waldegrave gave a special address to the Scouts and Girl Guides who were present at the service which followed in the Church. Speaking of the origin of the Association Mr. Waldegrave stated that General Sir Robert Baden Powell had in mind the members of the North West Mounted Police and the Redskin Indians when he first conserved his great idea of forming a great body of boys pledged to strike a path for themselves. People were too prone to follow in the footsteps of others rather than to strike out on a path of their own. John Wesley had been condemned by the Church because he had shown enthusiasm for a cause that was out of the ordinary run. When Baden-Powell had first started the Boy Scouts the people, had said they were mad. The movement had grown enormously since that time, however, until at the present moment it was world wide. Before the Scouts were formed boys usually spent their idle moments at football matches and the like; but now they had a definite objective in life.
The North West Mounted Police.
Referring to the initiative displayed by the North West Mounted Police, Mr. Waldegrave gave illustrations of how they followed the path of duty no matter in which direction it led. They were fearless, and their deeds of heroism were fully equal to those of the Arctic explorers. One such policeman had been sent out on an errand miles across the snow, and he never returned. Subsequently his body was found in the snow with a note lying beside him. "Dog dead. Food exhausted. Can go no further. I have done my best." Another illustration of their courage in performing their duty was on an occasion when two policemen went out to arrest the ringleader of a gang, and in doing so had to take their team from aiming hundreds of other lawbreakers. The Boy Scouts, however, had a far greater cause than those North West Mounted men had to follow. Their duty was to follow the leadership of the most perfect man who ever lived.