The China Mail.
Hongkong, Tuesday, January 22, 1924.
No. 19,0(??)
Page 9

The Hongkong Boy Scouts held a short rally on Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of the Annual Competition of the Prince of Wales' Banner. About 130 were present, being conveyed across the Harbour by launches, and marching through Kowloon to King's Park, where the different troops were inspected and points awarded for smartness of turnout.
Owing to the distance and shortness of time, only simple tests were taken on this occasion, representatives from each troop being awarded points for knot tying, signalling, weight judging, compass game, and Kim's Game.
This last was a test of observation and memory, 25 articles being exposed for a minute, and then covered, each boy giving names of all remembered. One boy succeeded in giving no less than 23.
The marks earned in each test are adjusted according to the numbers of each troop and count towards the Banner Competition.
It is hoped to hold a further rally in April, if possible at Happy Valley, when more strenuous and elaborate tests can be arranged.