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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Monday, April 28, 1924.
香港英四月廿八號 禮拜壹

No 12,470
Page 1



   The second Boy Scout Rally Competition for the Prince of Wales' Banner took place at the Volunteer Defence Corps Headquarters on Saturday. The total rally strength wah 180, which included 18 Scouters. The bannor, presented to the Scouts by the Prince of Wales, is awarded to the Troop which secures the highest points in the Competition Rallies during the year, and for the general efficiency of the Troop as shown by the number of efficiency badges obtained yearly.
   On Saturday, Sir Claud Severn and the Hon. Mr.R.H.Kotewall made a general inspection, and complemented the Scoutmasters on the strength and smartness of their respective troops. Then followed a close inspection by the D.S.M. who
awarded points for good average turn-out, punctuality, correctness of kit, and personal cleanliness.
   Tosts were then given in Observation (Examiner, the Deputy Commissoner, C.Champkin), Practical Compass Work (Examiner, S.M. Tarrant) and Map Reading (Examiner, D.S.M. White) in which squads of not more than four competed.
   For the Troop Contest, instructions in sealed letters were issued to the Senior Patrol Leaders of each Troop. These instructions required a knowledge of Troop Formation Drill; first-aid to the injured, which included dealing with a serious head wound, and a fractured forearm. Verbal reports to a doctor of the injuries sustained, and demonstration of the "Fireman's lift" were required, as well as various Knotting  tests, Mrs. Dr. Minott kindly consented to assist the examiners in the Troop Contest, and her advice in awarding points in this keen competition was invaluable.
   Before the announcement of the results the troops formed up into the horseshoe formation, and were addressed by the Deputy Commissioner, who on behalf of the Association thanked Dr. Minett, and the visitors who had shown by their presence that wet afternoon their interest in the local Scout movement. He then presented a District Scoutmaster's Warrant to Mr. A.White, and a Scoutmaster's Warrant of the 12th (Central British School) Troop to Mr. G.J.Tarrant; and, in accordance with the Boy Scout Association rules these two Scouters made the three-fold Scout Promise in the hearing of all present. The results given below were then read out, and the Rally winning troop loudly applauded by the other troops.
   The singing of the Engonyama Chorus, cheers for the visitors and examiners, and the singing of the National Anthem brought to a close a very successful Scout Rally.
   The visitors who watched the various competitions with close interest included Mr. G.M.Young and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Rev. V.H.Copley Moyle, Rev. C.Porri, Mr. C.D.Melbourne, Mr. Nightingale, Mrs. Champkin, Mrs. White, and othors.



1st. (St. Josephs)
10th. (St. Paul's Coll)
3rd. (Wanchai Wes)
8th. (Wesleyan)

5th. (Roving 5th)
2nd. (St. Andrews)
6th. (E.K.School)
4th. (Murray)

Points obtained.

... 61

... 54

... 52

... 52

... 50

... 48

... 42

... 38


   The order of merit was as given above.
   (Total possible points, 66.)
   Several Troops recently formed, though present at the Rally, did not take part in the Competition.

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