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Hongkong Daily Press.

Hongkong, Thursday, July 3rd, 1924.
中華民國十三年七月三號 禮拜四

No. 20,595

Page 7



   With the commencement of a new volume (Vol. IV.), the Silver Wolf, the official organ of the Boy Scouts Association of Hongkong appears in an enlarged and greatly improved form. Besides accounts of the doings of the 13 Troops and the Wolf Cub Packs which exist in the Colony, the present issue contains quite a variety of interesting articles by local contributors. Mr. Cyril Champkin, the Acting Commissioner, in a letter which serves as a forward appeals for recruits. He understands that there are more than 700 scouts in Singapore, while in Hongkong there are but half that number. He feels sure that there are hundreds of boys in Hongkong who would make splendid Scouts if they know how glad the Association is to teach them scouting.
   Among the articles is a very interesting one by "Ex-Sapper" on the Chinese Soldiers in the South and how to distinguish them; "O.E." contributes verse on the "Badges"; Mr. M.J.B.Montarges a short article on "Shifting scenes in Northern Africa" from a cavalry man's point of view; the District Scoutmaster writes inverse of "Hiawatha at Pinewood Camp"; Professor Middleton Smith contributes an article on "The Engine of a Motor Car"; Mr. T.F.Claxton (Director of the Royal Observatory) writes on "The transit of Mercury across the Sun's disc"; Mr. R.B.Salisbury (of "The Quains") describes "The Art of Entertaining"; "Aids for the 'Airman' Badge" is the title of another article; the Acting Commissioner describes a tiger hunt in India; in another contribution he relates "The Story of 'Billy' Speke"; and there is yet another interesting article from his pen bearing the title "Climbing on the Roof of the World." In addition there are various instructive articles on such subjects as carpentry judging distances, so that altogether the number of the magazine just issued makes attractive reading not only for Boy Scouts for a wider public. The Silver Wolf, maintained at this high level should admirably serve to stimulate that greater interest in the Boy Scout movement which is its primary aim.

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