The China Mail.
Hongkong, Tuesday, August 19, 1924.
No. 19,268
Page 9
The attention of energetic trampers along the higher levels in the region of Harlech Road may have been attracted recently by the sight of the Scout flag flying from the dismantled fort and by the little brown tents clotted about the grassy levels around it. The joyous shouts of the bare legged, khaki shirted, happy faced youngsters in temporary possession of this delightful spot may have led such observers to remark on the opportunity the Scout movement supplies for the safe outlet of youthful exuberance of spirits and for the inculcation of the communal spirit by means of camping and other similar activities.
Those who know anything at all about the activities of the Boy Scouts are well aware that camping is but a part of their activities; but any who may imagine that they stop short at that would be well advised to obtain a copy of the second number of the "Silver Wolf" in its new and enlarged form, and glance through the recorded doings there for the month of the 13 troops of Boy Scouts and the six packs of Wolf Cubs in the Colony. Here they will learn that there are such things as tests for badges to be passed, preparations to be made for and the actual participation in interpatrol competitions and rallies. They will also note that the grown up Scouters, not content with giving up many hours of their time to the personal instruction of the younger members, take considerable pains in the preparation of monthly notes as an aid to obtaining proficiency badges.
For instance, in this month's number there is Mr. R.R.Beauchamp's interesting article for the Scout anxious to qualify for the Coast Watchman's badge; not a dry list of things that must be done and things that must not; but a heart to heart talk about the glory of the sea which should set on his mettle many a Scout who had not thought of qualifying for the badge. Mr. A.N.Crook's notes for the aspirant to the Naturalist's badge are of particular interest as they deal largely with the cone bearing trees of Hongkong. There is valuable advice in Mr. F.P.William's notes on carpentry as to the choice of tools, and the astronomy notes by Mr. T.F.Claxton, F.R.A.S., are right up to date, giving the aspect of the sky on August 15. Then there is "The bird of freedom," who by means of natty little drawings demonstrated convincingly that the making of working models of aeroplanes and dirigibles is really quite a simple affair. An interesting part of this section is the autographed advice of Squadron Leader MacLaren and Captain D'Oisy to the Hongkong Boy Scouts who wish to become fliers. It is brief but to the point, viz., "the most important thing to do in flying:- keep your head." We learn from the "old pioneer" many useful things regarding the age and figuring of timber trees, also of cotton textiles from "Mr. B.Twills," writing for the benefit of workers for the textile working badge, whilst many non-Scout gardeners will find much of value in Mali Bhai's notes on "Pot" culture in Hongkong.
We have Mr. C.Champkin in many moods in this number. In his letter he is the Commissioner, anxious for the continued welfare of the Association, for an increase in membership and in the interest taken it by the Colony generally. In "Climbing on the roof of the world" and "Tigers and things” he is the traveller and game stalker dwelling on interesting episodes; and in "Wolf Cub Tales" he has adapted some of his game hunting stories to the younger members. These tales are delightfully illustrated by E.L.Sim.
The Scout Spirit.
There is a letter in the correspondence section of which the 7th (Saiyingpun) Troop may well be proud. It is from the Hongkong Chief Scout, Sir Reginald Stubbs, who referring to the conduct of members involved in the fatal bus accident at Castle Peak, writes:
"The record shows that these Scouts, notwithstanding their own injuries, devoted themselves to helping their unfortunate fellow passengers thus affording a fine example of the Scout spirit. The 7th Troop is to be congratulated on possessing members who have so thoroughly absorbed the spirit of the Scout movement as to be able to render immediate and efficient help to the wounded, forgetting their own injuries and the shock from which they were suffering."
Altogether this month's number is what the lads for whom it is intended would term a "jolly interesting mag," and if the standard is kept up (the Commissioner tells us that it will even be improved) there is no reason why it should not become the Colony's monthly boys' paper.