The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, January 15, 1925.
香港英正月十五號 禮拜四
No 12,689
Page 7

There was a strong muster of Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs at the Hongkong Volunteers' parade ground yesterday afternoon, when His Excellency the Governor (Sir Edward Stubba, K.C.M.G.) presented the Prince of Wales banner to the winning troop. Fifteen troops participated, including the newly formed Japanese troop and the Scottish troop. The latter unit, dressed in national costume, enlivened the proceedings with a few bagpipe selections.
There was a large crowd of spectators, among those present being Major General Sir John Fowler, Sir Claud Severn, Sir Henry Pollock, the Hon. Mr. P.H.Holyoak Lt. Col. Robertson and Mr. R.M.Dyer.
H.E. the Governor was met on arrival by Mr. C.Champkin, acting Commissioner, who accompanied the Governor during the inspection of the troops.
In presenting the banner to the Eighth Troop, His Excellency congratulated that unit on having won the trophy and wished them continued success. His Excellency next presented warrants to Mrs. White and Miss Wells, both in charge of Cubs, and to Scoutmaster Ho Yan-kong.
Another presentation, also in the form of a banner, followed. This banner was presented by Miss Woo, Headmisteress of St. Paul's Girls' School, to the St. Paul's College Troop.
The Scouts' Motto.
After the presentations Mr. Champkin addressed the assembly. He said: A long time ago, when there were not so many houses in the world and men had room to hunt and ride, there was a fine old cuntom amongst the Scouts and Indians that roamed the forests and the plains. These free men came in from their hunting grounds once a year and assembled in some convenient place at sunset to renew their allegiance to the great Chief. On such occasions they formed a semicircle, just as you do now, and the Chief Scout that addressed them always faced the setting sun. I do not know why this was so, except perhaps that they could see him better, but of course it also meant that all the Scouts were facing East and there may have been some important reason for this. We look to the East for wisdom and it is towards the East that we turn to greet the dawn.
Now, this is our great day of assembly, and our time of greeting to our Chief Scout. For me it is something more, for it is the last time I shall address you before giving up my charge as Acting Commissioner. I would like to tell you of what we have achieved and of the gratitude I feel for all the ready and cheerful help that you have given me, but I would rather remind you that you are looking towards the East and that the great Boy Scout Movement of which you are a part, is the Rising Sun.
Must be Optimists.
You are not to be content merely to look upon the dawn. It is for you to bestir yourselves and to see that the Boy Scout Movement spreads its light in Hongkong until it has brightened all the dark places. Every Boy Scout must be an optimist. It is easy enough to make pleasant ways more pleasant, but that is not enough. The mission of the Scouts is to make hard ways easy.
The first time I addressed you when I took over this charge I told you that a good motto for a good Scout was "Take the hardest path." You can overcome all obstacles by hard work, patience and a sense of humour, and the greatest of these is a sense of humour. No Scout was ever a good Scout unless he know how to be cheerful and laugh at difficulties, and I hope you will go on being cheerful and continue smiling till Mr. Waldegrave comes back and then he will know I have looked after you all right during his absence. Now, if we were just a Troop we could greet the Chief Scout with our Patrol Calls, but with twenty Troops and six Packs I am afraid it would simply be a frightful row, so being British we will give the Chief Scout three rousing British cheers and I am sure our brothers of the Japanese Troop will follow on with three equally rousing "Banzais." (Applause).
His Excellency's Speech.
Cheers having been heartily given; His Excellency the Governor, in a short speech, congratulated Mr. Waldegrave and Mr. Champkin, on the success which had attended their efforts in developing the Scouts Movement in Hongkong.
He was pleased to welcome the new addition to the Boy Scouts of the Scottish Troop. On behalf of all, he wished to thank Mr. Champkin for the hard work which he had put in during the absence of Mr. Waldegrave. When Mr. Waldegrave told him he was going home, it was rather a shock to him because he could not then think of a man who could take Mr. Waldegrave's place. He later found he had taken a too pessimistic view. He was sure Mr. Champkin had done everything possible for the movement, and Mr. Waldegrave would be pleased to find the results on his return. In the meantime, he would like to thank Col. Robertson who had kindly consented to act as Commissioner. His Excellency concluded by welcoming the Japanese troop and expressing the hope that they would give the movement their close cooperation. (Applause).
Cheers for the Governor and the Mr. Champkin brought the function to a close.