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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Friday, February 13, 1925.
香港英弍月十三號 禮拜五

No 12,724
Page 11



   The 9th Hongkong (Taikoo) Troop of Boy Scouts and their Cubs will give a grand display and entertainment in the Taikoo Club on Wednesday next 18th inst. at 8.30 p.m. The object of this entertainment is to aid the Troop Fund and to stimulate interest in the Boy Scout movement.
   The programme will consist of physical drill display and tableau, ambulance display, Scout songs - solos and concerted items - special song scene with camp fire singsong and Highland dancing, concluding with a thrilling comedy drama in two acts entitled "On The Track of the Spies," written by G.E.Burgess. The play, apart from its splendid plot, patriotic theme, and dramatic setting, will also serve to demonstrate the usefulness of the Boy Scouts in their skill at signalling, tent creating and ambulance.
   The evening's entertainment will be carried through in its entirely by the Boy Scouts and Cubs themselves, with the exception of one young lady necessary in the cast, of the pay. The tickets are $1 each and can be obtained from members of the Troop and from the Acting Scout Master, Mr. A.Forguson, Taikoo Dock. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Cubs and Brownies will be admitted free.

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