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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Thursday, February 19, 1925.

No. 19,423
Page 1


Splendid Help to the Movement.

   A kilted troop of Scouts swinging along to the strains of the bagpipes may ere long come to be looked upon as quite a feature of Hongkong street life.

   It certainly will if the enthusiasm shown at a Taikoo entertainment yesterday evening is anything to go by. This was arranged in the Taikoo Club for troop will receive backing from parents and patrons as a result of the entertainment, which will enable them to equip present members and the many who now will assuredly want to join, and, at the same time, to lay the basis of the very necessary Troop fund.
   Mr. R.M.Dyer, to whom belongs the honour of having first suggested the troop, has generously promised to give kilts and sporrans but there are many other expenses in connection with the inauguration of a Troop, and it is natural and right that those responsible should wish the Scouts to get on a self supporting basis as soon as possible. The new movement will be worthy of all support if in the words of the Acting Commissioner it brings to the Scout spirit a national spirit that will strengthen it.

   Of the display itself not much can be written, for it was one which would have to be attended for a full appreciation to be obtained of the entertainment provided by the antics of the cubs (whose ages ranged from five upward). They were delightfully unconscious of the fun they were causing when they pulled up their stockings, hitched up their belts, admired each other's styles of scarf tying, or indulged in personal controversy at the back of the stage!
   Quite apart from this, however, the entertainment contained items of real worth, the physical drill, the Scottish reel by four of the boys, ambulance training and Camp Fire Sing Song being particularly good and real thrills being provided in "On the Track of the Spies," an excellently acted comedy drama written by C.E.Burgess. It might be mentioned that the fears of the Acting Commissioner, expressed in his last "Silver Wolf" letter are quite unjustified. He wrote, "Already, I understand, four boys are struggling gamely with bagpipes, but we can't help that!" The accompaniment to the reel was really excellent.
   The full programme was as follows:-


   Chorus, "Scout Law," The Troop.
   Solo, "Hot Stuff," Scout J.Muirhead.
   Ambulance, The Cubs.
   Solo, "Marching Along," Cub A.McCubbin.
   Physical Drill, Drill Team.
   Camp Fire Sing song, The Troop.


   "On the Track of the Spies," a Comedy Drama in two acts by C.E.Burgess.
   Dramatis Personae: Foreign Lodger, Act. C.M. W.Gardner; Foreign Friend, P.L. K.Boulton; Scout Leader, Act. S.M. A.Ferguson; Dick - member of Scout Troop, P.L. J.Laing; Yawny Bob of Scout Troop, Sec. J.McCubbin. Other Members of Scout Troop, Scouts F.Bird, W.Eldridge, R.Amery, J.Muirhead, Cubs T.Swan, A.McCubbin, J.Barker.
   Wife of Coastguard, Miss B.McCubbin.

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