The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, April 23, 1925.
香港英四月廿三號 禮拜四
No 12,792
Page 7

Scenes at Last Sunday's Parade.
Boy Scouts on parade at the inauguration of the 8th, 14th and 15th Troops of the South China Athletic Association last Sunday. (Photo: Mee Cheung).

First-aid work at last Sunday's Boy Scout inauguration ceremony. (Photo: Mee Cheung).

The Hon. Mr. Chow Shou-son presenting badges at last Sunday's inauguration ceremony. (Photo: Mee Cheung).

Above are seen members of the 8th, 14th and 15th Troops, together with officers and patrons. In the front row (left to right) are:- Mr. Ho Yun-kwong, Assistant Scoutmaster of the 14th Troop; Mr. Liang Chi-hoo, patron of the 15th Troop; Hon. Mr. Chow Shou-son, patron of the 8th Troop; Mr. Li Yuk-tong, patron of the 14th Troop; Mr. T.K.Chak, Scoutmaster of the three Troops; and Mr. M.C.Leung, Assistant Scoutmaster of the 15th Troop.