The China Mail.
Hongkong, Monday, April 27, 1925.
No. 19,479
Page 10
About 250 Hongkong Boy Scouts, drawn from nine troops, attended the second rally for the year in the competition for the Prince of Wales's Banner on the Sookumpoo ground on Saturday afternoon.
The proceedings were carried out under the direction of the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, Scout Commissioner. The judges were Messrs. C.H.Blason (Honorary Treasurer) and A.White (Honorary Secretary and D.S.M.), with Captain Williams assisting in the ambulance event. Scoutmaster A.Kirk, of the Third Troop, which did not compete, also assisted in the judging.
The programme opened with the inspection of the troops by the Scout Commissioner, points being awarded for good average turnout, punctuality, correctness of kit, and personal cleanliness. Other items were squad tests in tracking, fire lighting, map reading, and knotting. The final item was the troop contest in which instructions were given in sealed envelopes. Points were awarded in the contest for correct signalling, neat writing of message, correct treatment of patient, stretcher work, improvisation of stretcher, etc., and management of squad by the leader in charge.
The troop contest was well executed by the boys and proved to be the most interesting item in the rally programme.
The final points gained by each troop in the competition will be announced at the end of September.