Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Monday, October 19th, 1925.
中華民國十四年十月十九號 禮拜壹
No. 20,996
Page 4
Saturday was a "Red letter Day" in the history of the Hongkong Boy Scouts' Association. In the afternoon their annual swimming sports were held at the Victoria Recreation Club, after which the certificates were presented to the winners by the Hon. Sir Claud Severn, K.B.E., C.M.G., and following this function a more important ceremony was performed at Murray Battery, Lower Albert Road, where the Chief Scout of Hongkong, H.E. the Governor (Sir Edward Stubb K.C.M.G.), opened the Scouts' new headquarters.
The Hongkong Boy Scouts' Association is now a very flourishing organisation, numbering as it does several hundred members, and including no less than 21 troops and five packs. The success of the scout movement in Hongkong has been very largely due to the untiring energy and zeal displayed on its behalf by the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave (the Scout Commissioner here) and his predecessor (Col. Bowen). The interest taken in the organisation and the help given to it by the Chief Scout of Hongkong, the Hon. Sir Claud Severn, the Hon. Mr. P.H.Holyoak, Colonel T.A.Robertson, O.B.E. (Assistant Commissioner), and many other local gentlemen, is well known and fully appreciated in Scout circles.
The provision of the new headquarters, the lack of which has handicapped the work of the Association ever since it started, and the acquisition of an excellent scouting and training ground at Junk Bay, will both fill long felt needs.
Both functions, the aquatics and the opening of the headquarters, were attended by a representative gathering, including many ladies.
The troops and packs forming the Association comprise the following:-
Troops.- 1st, Sea Scouts; 1st, St. Joseph's College; 2nd, St. Andrew's, Kowloon, 3rd, 1st Wanchai Wesleyan; 4th, Murray; 5th, The "Roving Fifth"; 6th, Ellis Kadoorie School; 7th, Saiyingpun School; 8th, 1st S.China A.A.; 9th, Taikoo Scottish; 10th, St. Paul's College; 11th, Kowloon Scottish; 13th, Ying Wa College; 14th, 2nd S.China A.A.; 15th, 3rd S.China A.A.; 16th, 1st Taikoo; 17th, 2nd Taikoo; 18th, 3rd Taikoo; 19th, 1st Yaumati; 20th, Caine Road.
Packs.- 2nd, Murray; 3rd, Bulldog; 4th, St. Andrew's, Kowloon; 5th, The Peak; 6th, Taikoo.
Among the company present at the V.R.C. for the swimming sports were the Hon. Mr. P.H.Holyoak (President of the Association), Mrs. Holyoak, and the Hon. Sir Claud Severn, K.B.E., C.M.G.
Much interest was taken in the events that made up an enjoyable programme and some exceedingly keen competition was witnessed, the times between first and second being very close in almost every race.
In the 100 Yards Senior Backstroke, H.Chan, of the 1st Troop, only failed by ⅗ secs. to equal his record of 1min. 38.⅖ secs. in the same event last year. In the Inter Troop Team Relay Race, the Fifth Troop equalled its record time of last year, namely 1min. 36secs.; while Taikoo (6th Pack) won the Inter Pack Relay Race again and also beat its own record of last year of 1min. 23.⅘ secs. by 1sec.
The sports officials were as follows:-
Committee: Rev. G.T.Waldegrave (Commissioner), District Scoutmaster A.White, Cubmaster Y.Fenton, Scoutmaster T.E.Jackson, Scoutmaster K.U.Lo and Scoutmaster F.Williams; Referee: Mr. W.Logan; Judges: Lt. Col. T.A.Robertson, O.B.E. (Assist. Commissioner), Lt. Comdr. C.R.H.Harvey, R.N., Capt. A.E.Watts, A.E.C., Scoutmaster Y.K.Ho, Mr. G.T.May, Dr. E.P.Minnett, M.D., M.R.C.P., Mr. R.C.Witchell and the Commissioner; Starter: The District Scoutmaster; Time keepers: Lt. Comdr. C.R.H.Harvey, R.N., Mr. G.T.May and Mr. R.C.Witchell; Competitors Stewards: Scoutmasters C.H.Butcher, K.C.Kong and S.C.Li; General Stewards: The Scouters and Cubbers; Secretary and Recorder: Scoutmaster F.P.Williams.
The results of the various events were as under:-
50 Yards Senior Championship (record by A.May, 1922, 29.⅖ secs.).- 1, A.Chan (1st troop); 2, Fred Zimmern (5th troop). Time: 32secs.; 33.⅖ secs.
50 Yards Junior Backstroke.- Francis Zimmern (5th troop). Time: 1min. 28.⅖ secs.
Wolf Cub Race, one length (record by J.McCubbin, 1924, 16.⅘ secs.).- 1, K.Bateman (6th pack); 2, H.Muirhead (6th pack). Time: 22.⅗ secs.; 22.⅘ secs.
100 Yards Senior Championship (record by A.May, 1922, 70secs.).- 1, K.Boulton (9th troop); 2, J.Lyon (2nd troop). Time: 1min. 16.⅖ secs.; 1min. 16.⅗ secs.
50 Yards Junior Championship (record by W.Foulds, 1925, 37.⅗ secs.).- 1. J.McCubbin (9th troop); 2, J.Sloan, jun., (9th troop). Tíme: 43secs.; 46.⅕ secs.
Senior Diving.- 1, Ng Wai Man (6th troop); 2, J.Sloan, senior (9th troop). Points: 93, 92.
Life Saving Race. (points for speed and correct method).- 1, B.Talati (1st troop); 2, A.May (4th troop). Time: 68secs.; 67secs.
Junior Diving.- 1, J.McCubbin (9th troop); 2, A.McCubbin (6th troop). Points: 96, 94.
100 Yards Senior Backstroke (record by H. Chan, 1924, 1 min. 39.⅖ secs.).- 1, H.Chan (1st troop); 2, T.L.Thorn (4th troop). Time: 1min. 39secs.; 1min. 42secs.
50 Yards Scouters', Cubbers' and Rovers Rece.- 1, C.M.W.Gardner; 2, Assist. Scoutmaster Ng Hon Sang (20th troop). Time: 40secs.; 41secs.
Inter Troop Team Relay Race (record by 5th troop, 1924, 1min. 36secs.).- 1, 5th. troop; 2, 1st troop. Time: 1min. 36secs.; 1min. 39secs.
Inter Pack Team Race (record by Taikoo, 1924, 1min. 23.⅘ secs.).- Won by Taikoo. Time: 1min. 22.⅘ secs.
Egg and Spoon and Needle and Thread Race.- 1,E.Lee (5th troop); 2, J.Lyon (2nd troop).
Following tea, the Hon. Sir Claud Severn presented the certificates to the successful competitors. Scout Commissioner Waldegrave thanked Sir Claud for making the presentations. Continuing, he said that it was also his sad duty to bid farewell to Sir Claud in the name of the Association. As they knew, Sir Claud would be leaving Hongkong next month. He had heard it said, however, that Sir Claud hoped to come back to Hongkong later as a visitor. They hoped by that time the Association would be double. The Association owed much of its success to the kindly thought and consideration of Sir Claud Severn, and when he left the Colony he would bear with him the heartiest wishes of the scouts of Hongkong. They wished to give Sir Claud a little token in return for the kind thought, help and consideration he had given them and the live interest he had always taken in the welfare of the Association.
The youngest member of the Association, Colin Ironside (5th Pack), then presented Sir Claud with the Scouts' "Thanks Badge," together with the accompanying certificate.
Commissioner Waldegrave read the certificate and explained that the "Thanks Badge" was an old token among scouts, given as a sign of goodwill and gratitude from all scouts for services rendered. It commanded the willing service of all scouts who happened to be shown it at any time or any place where help was needed.
Proceeding, Mr. Waldegrave said that he had also heard that Sir Claud proposed making cricket ground wherever he intended to settle down. So that whenever he was rolling, creasing, or preparing it in any way for the afternoon's cricket he would only have to hold up this badge and scouts would immediately rush to help him in the work. Sir Claud would then be able to sit back in an armchair and enjoy a lemonade while he watched the scouts do the work for him on the ground. (Laughter and applause.) After again thanking Sir Claud for his help to the Association in the past and for presenting the awards that afternoon, Mr. Waldegrave called for cheers for him.
The scouts gave three hearty cheers and a "tiger."
Sir Claud Severn, replying, thanked the scouts for their gift and said he was very much obliged to them for their kindness in giving it to him. He thanked the Commissioner for the kind things he had said about him. He did not deserve anything their Commissioner had said, beyond the fact that occasionally he had been able to do some small service for the Boy Scouts' Association of Hongkong. He admired the wonderful way in which the Association had developed and congratulated those who had been its helpers in the past few years on the very fine progress it had made. He was certain it would do much to develop the youth of the Colony and help them to perform useful service in future situations. There were no scouts in Hongkong when he first came to the Colony. There was only the Church Lads' Brigade at Kowloon, under a very fine athlete, the Rev. Mr. Spink, who did anything toward training boys to usefulness. He (Sir Claud) had the privilege of entertaining, soon after he came to the Colony, Sir Robert Baden Powell, their Chief Scout, when he passed through the Colony and spent a few days here in the course of visiting other colonies. He recalled Mr. Spink marching the Church Lads' Brigade up to Government House one morning, where they carried out a series of drills and gymnastics. When it was over Sir Robert Baden Powell addressed them and spoke of the usefulness and value of training the youth of the Colony, and the many services they could perform in time of necessity. Sir Claud went on to say that he had photographs of the Church Lads' Brigade performing their drills, etc., and also one of the Chief Scout addressing them. These he would have enlarged and would present them to the Scouts for their new headquarters, so that they would be able to preserve the record of the first and only time their Chief Scout visited Hongkong. (Applause.)
Continuing, Sir Claud said he would not say "goodbye," but only "au revoir," for his wife, who had been unable to join him in Hongkong, would insist upon coming back with him and they both hoped to be back among them again very soon. He should make a point of seeing Sir Robert Baden Powell at the first opportunity after getting Home and would tell him of this “Red Letter Day" in their history. He would also tell him that on his next visit to the Far East he must visit Hongkong. (Applause.) He thanked them for the kind gift and would always wear the badge. He hoped it would always have the magical effect their Commissioner said it would in any crisis. He would look forward to the time when he would meet them again. (Applause.)
Commissioner Waldegrave thanked Sir Claud for the promise of the photographs, and said that pictures were what were needed to complete the appearance of the new headquarters. They had one or two more promised them.
Cheers for the visitors and the singing of the National Anthem concluded the proceedings at the V.R.C.
The Scouts then marched to the site of their new headquarters, at Murray Battery, Lower Albert Road. Here they were drawn up in line, stretching from the headquarters down toward the H.V.D.C. parade ground, under their respective scoutmasters. The parade numbered about 280 and was under the command of the Scout Commissioner, assisted by the Assistant Commissioner and District Scoutmaster A.White.
At the entrance to the headquarters there was drawn up a Guard of Honour, composed of one boy from each troop and pack.
The exterior of the headquarters, which is a converted P.W.D. building, was gaily decorated with bunting. Inside, there is an office, canteen, scouts' and cubbers’ room and a patrol leaders' room, etc.
There was a good attendance for the opening ceremony, and at 6.15 H.E. the Governor (Sir Edward Stubbs, K.C.M.G.), arrived by motor car from Government House accompanied by his A.D.C. (Capt. Swinton, M.C.), and was met by the Scout Commissioner, Lt. Col. T.A.Robertson, O.B.E., and other officers.
The Chief Scout of Hongkong inspected the Guard of Honour and then formally opened the headquarters by unlocking the door. After this he inspected tho scouts drawn up, who afterwards marched to the Hongkong Volunteer Defence Corps green. Here the scouts were drawn up in horseshoe formation.
Commissioner Waldegrave addressing the gathering said they had come there for two purposes. First that His Excellency might open their headquarters and also that they might in some small way show their appreciation of the kind thought he had shown the Association and what he had done for them. Also to wish him God speed when he left for England. In 1920, when the Association was first started, there was only one troop, the remains of St. Joseph's. Now there were 21 troops and five wolf cub packs. The fact remained that this growth of troops could not have taken place but for the support they had had from their Chief Scout of Hongkong. When they thought of the many kind things he had done for them, the many parades at Government House, the gift of the Prince of Wales' Banner, open for competition yearly by any troop, they did not quite know how to thank His Excellency. When they thought of the headquarters which he had allowed them to have, (a most necessary thing and the want of which had handicapped their work in Hongkong ever since they started), and the acquisition on the very generous terms of $1 a year of 16 acres of some very excellent scouting ground for training purposes at Junk Bay, then they could appreciate what His Excellency had done for them. When they realised this, then they realised what a loss it would mean to them when His Excellency left the Colony.
The Commissioner then went on to refer to the Scouts' Rally at Wembley for the Jamboree and spoke of the close proximity of the Hongkong scouts to the Jamaica scouts while there. He said they had a splendid opportunity of chumming up with these scouts while taking part in the Jamboree. Their Chief Scout in Hongkong was going to some very good friends of theirs and the Scouts of Hongkong took this opportunity of sending to the Jamaica Scouts, through His Excellency, Jamaica's new Governor, their greetings and wishes for good luck.
In the name of the scouts of Hongkong, the Commissioner then presented to His Excellency a silver statuette of a Chinese scout. Mr. Waldegrave explained that this gift had been subscribed for by every boy in the Association, each one having contributed a small sum. The statuette had been made locally and they hoped that His Excellency would take it wherever he went. They wished him and Lady Stubbs very happy days wherever they were and trusted that the presence of the statuette would remind them of Hongkong and also its scouts. (Applause.)
In the course of his reply, His Excellency said the motto of the Boy Scouts was "Be Prepared." He could not act up to this motto as he did not come prepared to receive this gift, for which he thanked them very much. He could not adequately express his gratitude to them for their gift. He thanked them most cordially and added that it had been a great pleasure to him to do what he could in the interest of the Association and the scout movement generally in Hongkong. Mr. Waldegrave had exaggerated in what he had said regarding him. He could hardly have arranged for the disposal of the headquarters or the land at Junk Bay without the support of the other members of the Councils. He could assure them they had no warmer supporter of their cause than the Hon. Mr. P.H.Holyoak. He (the Govenor) was partly responsible for the resurrection of the scout movement in Hongkong, but the real credit was due to Mr. Waldegrave's predecessor, Col. Bowen. It was Col. Bowen who laid the foundation of the movement in Hongkong and put it upon a sound basis. When Col. Bowen left he had some grave doubts as to where a suitable successor was to be found to carry on his work. Happily, Col. Bowen drew his attention to their present Commissioner, Mr. Waldegrave, and he was sure the scouts of Hongkong could hardly have had a better successor to Col. Bowen than their Commissioner of today. His Excellency said he had received a letter from the Chiet Scout Sir Robert Baden Powell, asking him to accept the position of Chief Scout in Jamaica, an office which he had had much pleasure in accepting.
Concluding, His Excellency said he wished to thank the scouts on behalf of the Community for the excellent services they had performed during the strike.They had done very well and had performed very valuable services during that period in many directions. As Chief Scout of Hongkong he thanked them for all they did then.
Three cheers, and a "tiger" for His Excellency, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, concluded the proceedings.
The Commissioner afterwards presented warrants to Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, the parade afterwards being marched off.