The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, July 7, 1926.
香港英七月七號 禮拜三
No 21,903
Page 5

At the invitation of His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G., Chief Scout of Hongkong, the Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall, LL.D., has accepted the office of President of the local Boy Scouts Association in succession to the late Mr. P.H.Holyoak.
The members of the Association consider themselves extremely fortunate in having secured so keen and sympathetic a President as Dr. Kotewall, who has continually given practical proof of his interest in and desire for the welfare of the movement, which is steadily extending among the boys of the Colony. Most of the already existing twenty Troops report increase in numbers and vigour, and three more Troops are either already in being or in process of formation.
It is not yet fully realised that the main object of the Scout movement is character training with a view to producing good citizenship, not of one particular State or form of Government, but of the world. Once this fact is grasped by the many who still view the movement with suspicion, there is no reason why Scouting in Hongkong should not grow by leaps and bounds, provided men can be found who will follow Dr. Kotewall's example, and from already busy lives spare just a little time for the benefit of this great Worldwide Brotherhood.