Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Monday, November 21st, 1927.
英壹仟九百廿七年拾壹月廿壹日 禮拜壹
No. 21,642
Page 5
The concert arranged by St. Andrew's Troop of Boy Scouts, in aid of Dr. Barnardo's Homes, and given at St. Andrew's Church Hall on Saturday evening proved very successful from all points of view.
The Hall was well filled, the programme was an excellent one and was thoroughly enjoyed, and well over $100 was raised for the charity in question.
The programme opened with a quartette by Messrs. J.W.Baldwin, R.Baldwin, H.J.Best and C.W.E.Bishop, while songs were given by Mrs. Robson, Mrs. W.R.Fleming, and Mr. H.Glover.
Mr. J.Braga contributed violin solos, with accompaniments by Professor Harry Ore, and two banjo solos were given by Mr. J.Davidson.
Professor Harry Ore provided a pianoforte solo, and the humorous side of the programme was ably sustained by Mr. V.C.Labrum, in monologues, Engineer Lieut. Commander Bedells in "Diversions," and by Mr. J.Grenham, described as a "Comedian."
Miss V.Capell and Miss R.Wong were especially successful in their contribution "Memories of the East End," and Miss Capell later appeared with Mr. C.D.Lake in another entertaining number, "A Lovesick Couple."
The programme was concluded with a typical and very interesting Scout scene, provided by St. Andrew's Troop.
During an interval in the programme, the Vicar (the Rev. W.Walton Rogers) congratulated the Scouts on the success of their efforts. The thought of the concert, he said, originated with them, and they were responsible for all the arrangements. As a result a sum of well over $100 would be sent to Dr. Barnardo's Homes to help keep the "Ever open doors" wide open.
The Vicar also thanked all who had given their services freely to help bring about the satisfactory result achieved.