The China Mail.
Hongkong, Friday, May 24, 1929.
No. 27,187
Page 1

Impressive Scene At St. John's Cathedral
Today is Empire Day, and in this distant outpost of the British Empire, the day was royally observed. Stirring addresses were given to the young people in the St. John's and Roman Catholic Cathedrals at this morning's services.
School children of all nationalities were present. There were young Indians with their colourful turbans, Chinese in their national costumes, and British lads and lassies - all forming the great link of the British Empire.
The ships in harbour are all "dressed," and most of the business houses are closed for the day.
Boys and girls from nearly all the schools in the Colony, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides all attended service this morning in the St. John's Cathedral. There were nearly a thousand present.
The Service started with the Processional Hymn.
Children and Scouts at Cathedral
Almost a thousand children, students of the various local schools, members of the 16th Hong Kong Troop of Boy Scouts, and contingents of Catholic Scouts from other local troops, attended the Empire Day Service at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Glenealy, at 9 o'clock this morning.
The following schools participated:-
Garrison School of Hong Kong; Students of the Cathedral Seminary; St. Joseph's English College; Wah Yan College (Robinson road); Docksin English School (149, Bonham road); St. Louis Industrial School (West Point); Kai Lap Chinese School (Wanchai); Tak Yin School (Wanchai); Aberdeen Chinese School; Shaukiwan Chinese School; Cathedral Chinese School; Italian Convent; French Convent; St. Francis School (Wanchai); St. Mary's School (Kowloon); Holy Spirit School (Robinson road); Pui Tsin Chinese School (Italian Convent); St. Joseph's Terrace Chinese School.
His Lordship, the Rt. Rev. Bishop H.Valtorta, D.D., officiated at the impressive service, assisted by the Clergy of the Cathedral, and the students of the Cathedral Seminary.
The service opened with the selection "24th May," played by the Band of the St. Louis Industrial School. This was followed by the singing of "Ave Maria" by the Seminary Choir.
The address on "Empire Day" was then delivered by the Rev. Fr. A.Parisotti, Chaplain to the Forces. After the address, "O Salutaris" was sung by the Cathedral Choir, followed by the "Tantum Ergo."
Benediction was then given by the Bishop, after which the Cathedral Choir sang "Adoremus." The service was brought to a fitting close by the entire congregation standing and singing "God Save the King."
The Rev. Fr. A.Riganti presided at the organ throughout the service.