The China Mail.
Hongkong, Wednesday, August 7, 1929.
大英八月七號 禮拜三日
No. 27,251
Page 6
[To the Editor of the "China Mail."]
Sir,- In the "Sunday Herald" of the 4th instant there appeared an article offering suggestion for the commemoration by the local Scouts on the conferment of a Barony on their Chief, Lord Baden Powell.
Your contemporary suggested a sort of "Jamboree" of mixed Scouts at Happy Valley, or a Church Parade. In my opinion there is a much better method and a more worthy one. Why not let us have Scout Tattoo, similar to the Grand Tattoo we had had last October, but on a much smaller scale? The proceeds of the Tattoo could be devoted to charities, and beds may be founded in hospitals to be named after the Chief Scout.
Besides, the Scout movement is comparatively unknown to most of the Chinese residents, who still seem to think that the Scout movement is a Military movement, as the name "Tung Tsze Kwan" (Child Soldier) implies.
Of course my suggestion may be unacceptable to the authorities concerned, but I am giving it as what I think it is worth.
Yours, etc.,
Hong Kong, August 6.