The China Mail.
Hongkong, Saturday, August 16, 1930.
No. 27,568
Page 1
Assisting at a Fire!
The First Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College) Group of Boy Scouts spent four days in camp at Macao. Fourteen Scouts under Group Scoutmaster B.M.Talati and Scoutmaster C.N.Dragon made the trip and were received on their arrival in Macao in the evening of Saturday last by Group Scoutmaster A.T.Borges and Scouts of the First Macao Group. Immediately on landing, the visiting Scouts marched to the site selected, with their tents and other camp gear in a trek cart which they had taken with them, and got busy pitching the three bell tents and two stores tents. The "camp cooks" lost no time in improvising an open air kitchen and started preparing dinner. By 7.30 p.m., that was with in one hour after reaching the site, the boys had settled down in their new canvas houses and made themselves comfortable in the little space alloted to them. Mats were spread round in the open and the Scouts took their places amid the clatter of plates, mugs, forks, knives and spoons to enjoy a hearty meal under the soft light of the full moon.
The site was undoubtedly the best that could have been found in Macao. It was situated on the south side of Penha Hill, almost at the top, and overlooked practically the whole town and commanding an excellent view of the landlocked stretches of water and the islands around. The water supply was drawn from a well near by.
On the very first night, just when the boys were thinking of enjoying a well earned rest, a big blaze was noticed in the very heart of the town. Armed with their staves the Scouts mustered together in full force and found their way down at Scouts' pace, which means running twenty paces and walking twenty paces alternatively. However, they had a fairly long way to go and by the time they reached their destination, the fire brigade had the situation well in hand and there was little to be done.
The next day being a Sunday, a joint Church Parade was held of the Catholic Scouts of Hong Kong and Macao. On the same night a Camp Fire was held, when the visitors entertained the Macao Scouts and their friends with songs, gymnastic exercises, and torch and Indian Club displays. The Macao Scouts also contributed a few musical items.
On Tuesday afternoon the Hon. Mr. Antonio Mello entertained the Hong Kong Scouts to tea at Hotel Reviera. His Excellency Sir Arthur Tamaginini, the Governor of Macao, accompanied by his A.D.C., Capt. Mayer, arrived at 4.30 p.m., but could not stay for long owing to other engagements. Among those present were Major Luis Lello, the Commander in Chief, Major Guerreiro d'Andrade, the Commissioner of Police, Commander Almeida Pinheiro, the Harbour Master and Mrs. Pinheiro, Mr. Antonio Borges, the Scoutmaster of the First Macao Group and Mrs. Borges, and some prospective Girl Guides of Macao.
His Excellency in his address referred to the great development that the Boy Scout movement had made since its inception twenty one years ago and dwelt on its international aspect as one of the greatest forces working towards the establishment of the spirit of brotherhood among boys of all races and creeds. He also spoke of the good scouting did in developing character and in drawing out all the good qualities that the boy possesses. He paid a tribute to the genius of Lord Baden Powell for founding such an admirable organisation and wished it every success.
Another Appreciation.
The Hon. Mr. Mello expressed his appreciation of the smart and prompt turnout of the Hong Kong Scouts at the two fires that occurred and said that though they could not render any material assistance, the spirit they had shown by being prepared for such emergencies and the readiness with which they sacrificed their personal comfort and rest to render public service, greatly impressed him as an example of what real scouting stood for. He hoped that the visit of the Hong Kong Scouts would give an impetus to the movement in Macao and lead to its being established on a firm footing. He also wished that Girl Guiding, the counterpart of Scouting for girls, would also be started in Macao before long.
A Jamboree Hoped For.
Group Scoutmaster Talati in his reply thanked the Hon. Mr. Mello for the excellent tea which he had so kindly provided and all the others who had contributed towards making the stay of his Scouts such a happy one. He said that his boys were very glad to have taken this opportunity of meeting their brother Scout of Macao and expressed the hope that these friendly visits would ultimately lead to a great rally of Scouts from all parts of the Far East. Owing to the great distance separating this part of the world from England, hardly any Scouts were able to take advantage of attending the Jamboree held in Arrowe Park some months ago, but with the rapid development of the movement in the Straits, Canton, Macao, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan, the time should soon come for a very successful meeting of Scouts from all parts of the East to be organised, to take part in Singapore, Hong Kong or Shanghai. Scoutmaster Talati congratulated Scoutmaster Borges for the wonderful work he had done in organising the movement in Macao and complimented the Macao Scouts for the progress they had made after only three months training. He added that he was very pleased to notice the friendly way in which all the Scouts mingled together in spite of the language difficulty.
Return Visit Planned.
Scoutmaster Borges thanked the visitors for coming over to Macao and for the help they had rendered in showing his boys what scouting meant, and said that he would only be too pleased to avail himself of any opportunity that may arise to take his Scouts for a return visit to Hong Kong, and hoped that it would come off sometime in December this year.
Scoutmaster Borges and fifteen of his senior Scouts had dinner with the Hong Kong Scouts in their camp on the eve of their departure. The Macao Scouts also took their turn in camping with the visitors.
Ping pong and tennis matches were also played, the two colonies sharing honours by Hong Kong winning in the former and Macao In the latter game.
The Hong Kong Scouts enjoyed a pleasant bathing picnic in company with some of the Macao Scouts in a Government launch placed at their proposal by the Harbour Master, and went round sightseeing in Macao on bicycles.
Camp was struck at 6 a.m. on Wednesday and the party of boys landed in Hong Kong just before noon, a little tired after the busy and active time they had, but nevertheless cheerful and happy for having enjoyed such a pleasant holiday.