The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, September 22, 1930.
香港英九月廿二號 禮拜一
No 23,188
Page 11

Members of the 2nd Hongkong (St. Andrew's) Group of Boy Scouts gathered in the Church Hall on Saturday night to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the troop.
Besides the scouters and scouts of the troop, there were also present, the Rev. W.Walton Rogers, Mr. C.Champkin (Deputy Commissioner for Scouts in Hongkong), Lt. C.G.H.Christian, R.A. (Assistant Commissioner), Rev. E.A.Armstrong (Commissioner for Kowloon and the New Territories), Major L.Cassel, Mr. J.W.Baldwin, and members of the Sea Scout Group and Kowloon Dock Scottish (Dyer's Own) Group.
Games, camp fire stunts, a cinematograph show, and refreshments were the main items of the programme. Shortly after the commencement, Mr. J.I.Barnes presented the troop with a fine silver cup to be used for interpatrol competition, his one stipulation being that first aid should predominate in the number of tests.
Mr. Rogers, on behalf of the troop, thanked Mr. Barnes for his generous gift.
Major Cassel, who served in South Africa for a number of years then told the gathering of some of his experiences while stationed there.
After the refreshment interval, Mr. Rogers again mounted the platform and called upon Assistant Scoutmaster R.H.Wong to accept a beautiful table clock as a memento of a long and faithful service with the troop. Mr. Wong has been with the troop since its very first day.
Church Service.
The celebrations continued on Sunday, but along different lines. A special service for Scouts and Guides was held at St. Andrew's, at 11 a.m. The entire strength of scouts and cubs of the St. Andrew's Group turned out in full force, as well as members of the Sea Scout Group and the Kowloon Dock Scottish. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kowloon Companies of Girl Guides and Brownies were also present under Miss H.D.Sawyer (Commissioner for Girl Guides in Kowloon). The Scout troop followed the Choir. Clergy and Colour Parties representing the Scouts, Cubs and Guides, into the Church to the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." All colours were then placed in the Sanctuary. The form of service was entirely a scouty one.
The First Lesson was read by Scoutmaster R.Dormer and the Second Lesson by Assistant Scoutmaster R.H.Wong. A very inspiring address on "The Glory of God and His Works" was delivered by the Rev. E.A.Armstrong (Assistant Chaplain and Commissioner for Boy Scouts in Kowloon and New Territories). After the service, an Investiture Ceremony was performed on the lawn outside the church in the presence of a large gathering of parents and friends. All the Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies formed a huge horseshoe and eight recruits made the three fold promise.