Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Hongkong, Sunday, December 14, 1930.
中華民國十九年 歲次庚午年十月廿五日
Vol. VII. No. 355.
Page 1

Commissioner Witnesses Tests in Scoutcraft.
Six groups of the Hong Kong Boy Scouts Association took part in a rally held yesterday afternoon at the Praya East Reclamation, near Fleming Road. After the groups had lined up the Commissioner (the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave), in company with Mr. Gordon (Assistant Commissioner for Boy Scouts at Shanghai), conducted an inspection. This was followed by a number of tests in Scout craft, including fire lighting, camp site preparation and other items. Other officers present were Mr. C.Champkin (Assistant Commissioner), the Rev. E.A.Armstrong, (District Commissioner, Kowloon) and Lieut. C.G.H.Christian, (Assistant Commissioner) as well as a number of Rover Scouts who helped in judging. After the tests, an adjournment was made to the concert hall of the Seamen's Institutes where tea was served, this being followed by a series of entertainments on the stage by each group, denoting some aspect of Scout life.
Scouting in Shanghai.
Addressing the muster, Mr. Gordon spoke on Scouting in Shanghai, and said that they had a standing camp throughout every summer. There was a large number of nationalities in Shanghai, and the British were the first to organise the Scout movement, being followed by the Japanese. The latter had now got about six troops and were doing very well. They were followed later by the Germans, Russians, Koreans and Americans, and all these troops worked in close harmony with the British Association. They had two big meetings every year, a jamboree in summer and a concert in the cold weather. He was very glad to have been with the Scouts that afternoon, and was very pleased with what he had seen of the local movement. (Applause).
World Jamboree.
The Commissioner reminded the boys that the 1929 World Jamboree of Boy Scouts film would be shown locally within about three months' time. (Applause). He went on to speak about Saiwan, and said that the Rev. N.V.Halward had been appointed Assistant Commissioner for Training of Officers. They were having a preliminary training camp in January, 1931, when lectures will be given to Officers, on the third, fourth and fifth Thursday at Scout Headquarters. On the last weekend (January 31) a camp will be held at Saiwan, when the practical work will be done. He wanted at least 12 people who would be there permanently, so that they could work together.
Success of Saiwan.
The success of Saiwan, said the speaker, depended entirely upon the boys, and they were not to go there just for gardening. Every troop had to let him know if they were going to Saiwan so they would be able to make much more of it than they were doing at present. He hoped to have a Scoutmaster out there every weekend. They could not have it if the Scouts could not obey orders.
A Museum.
He also hoped to have a museum and a bridge making apparatus, but the boys would have to play up and help them. On Boxing Day a working party would go to Saiwan, under the Commissioner and Mr. Halward, for the whole day, as there was quite a lot of work to be done. The Scouts would be surprised to know what they could do with that beautiful training place, the speaker concluded. (Applause).
All the Scouts, who numbered about 100, then stood at the attention to sing the National Anthem, which brought an interesting afternoon to a close.
The competing groups were:- Sea Scouts, 2nd H.K. (St. Andrew's) 5th H.K. (Roving Fifth), 6th H.K., 20th H.K. and the 28th H.K. Group.