The China Mail.
Hongkong, Thursday, January 29, 1931.
No. 27,708
Page 1
Introduction of New Head Master.
The Great Hall of the Ellis Kadoorie School was crowded with pupils this morning, assembled for the annual prize giving. Among those on the platform were Mr. G.P. de Martin, M.B.E., B.A., Director of Education, Mr. W.Kay, M.A., head master, Mr. A.T.Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. F.J. de Rome, M.B.E., and the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, M.A.
After reading the report, Mr. Kay introduced Mr. Hamilton as the new head master and called upon Mrs. Hamilton to present the prizes.
Appeal to Scouts.
The Rev. G.T.Waldegrave spoke to the pupils on behalf of the Boy Scout movement. He said that when H.R.H. the Prince of Wales came to Hong Kong in 1922 he inspected the Boy Scouts at Government House and commented particularly on the smart appearance of the 6th Hong Kong Troop, the Ellis Kadoorie Scouts. This troop was the oldest troop of Chinese Boy Scouts in the Colony, and in 1923 they won the Prince of Wales Banner, thus proving that they were also the smartest. But that was seven years ago and it was no use living on the reputation of those boys who had already left the troop. This year they did not shine in the Prince of Wales Banner competition; in fact, they were very low down. He would like to see more hikes and rambles and also to see the troop win the Banner again. More enthusiastic recruits were needed - boys who were determined to pass their badge tests. The Scout movement was world wide, and any Hong Kong Scout who travelled abroad was always assured of a welcome from Scouts in other lands. He added that now was the time to join as Mr. Mok Ying-kwai had promised to become President of the Ellis Kadoorie troop. In concluding, he thanked the head masters, past and present, for the help they had extended to the movement during the tenure of their office, and appealed to the Scoutmasters to throw all their energy into making the troop not only the oldest, but the most efficient, in the Colony.
Three cheers were then given for the head master, Mrs. Hamilton, and the School, after which Mrs. Hamilton was presented with a basket of flowers.