The China Mail.
Hongkong, Wednesday, February 3, 1932.
No. 28,021
Page 12

Presentation to Badge Secretary.
About a hundred Boy Scouts gathered in the Seamen's Institute last night for the New Year Rally. Games formed the major part of the programme, and after refreshments had been partaken of, representative groups gave an item each, and they were well received. The Commissioner, the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, took charge, and among those present were Lieut. C.G.H.Christian, R.A., and the Rev. N.V.Halward, M.C., Assistant Commissioners, as well as many Scouters, Mr. E.Cock, M.B.E., Vice President of the Association, was also present.
Opportunity was also taken of presenting the Thanks Badge to Mr. K.B.Carey, Badge Secretary of the Association, for the past two years. Before calling upon Mr. Cock to make the presentation, the Commissioner referred to the hard work that Mr. Carey had put in. Without casting any reflections on his predecessors, Mr. Carey was the best Badge Secretary they had had (Applause).
In asking Mr. Carey to accept the token of appreciation, Mr. Cock said he hoped that there would be more recruits in the movement, so as to make the work for Mr. Carey's successor even more difficult!
Replying, Mr. Carey said he appreciated the kind words of the Commissioner very much, and was sorry to be leaving. He wished the Hong Kong branch of the Boy Scouts Association every success in the future (Applause).
After the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," the Commissioner gave the order "Dismiss" and the gathering dispersed.
of them - he, him, and his. (Laughter). Think of the corresponding feminines - she and her - only two thirds. I suggest it should be altered, and that in future we should write she, shim, and shis. (Loud laughter).
"Some local authorities would rather have the most colourless inefficient man as head than a Solomon of a woman. If there is anything that makes me annoyed it is for anyone to call me a 'lady.' The word woman is a much higher term."
Miss D.A.Davies said that she had for 12 years been head of a mixed school in Birmingham. She had three men in her school, and there was no question at all about the management of the men.