Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Monday, February 29, 1932.
英壹仟玖佰卅弍年弍月廿玖日 禮拜壹
No. 22,960
Page 10
Despite the wretched weather conditions, the Macao Hockey Club team, which paid a visit to the Colony over the weekend, played a very interesting game with the Jats on the Central British Association ground, King's Park, on Saturday, the visitors winning by 3 goals to 1.
The Portuguese team had most of the play in the opening half when they scored through Santos and L.Costa. This proved to be all the scoring in the first half, but after the interval the Jats played latter together and reduced the lead when Jalil scored. This was their only goal and before the final whistle sounded Laertes put the visitors further ahead.
The terms were:-
Macao:- C.Capitule: J.Rodrigues, M.Cardoso: J.Ferreira, Lieut. F. da Costa, Lino Ferreira; J.Lasgeiro, P.Angelo, Laertes, L.Costa and A.Santos.
Jats:- Bhera Khan; Havildar Lachi Ram; Havildar Abbas Ali; Farman Ali; Scpoy Sardar Khan; Eber Ali; Sepoy Gurdial, L.N.Habib, Sopoy Jalil, L.N.Sakhawat Ali and L.N.Mahommed Kasim.
Scouts Hockey.
The following will represent the St. Andrew's Scout Troop against the Central British School on the Y.M.C.A. ground, King's Park, today at 3.45 p.m. sharp:-
Scout Hogbin; Troop Leader J.Miller, Second P.L. Gascoigne; Scout Branch, Patrol Leader MacNider. Second P.L. Sanh; Second P.L. Bond, Second P.L. Mackay, P.L. Woolley, Scout J.Winyard and Scout Lee.
Reserves: Scout Wing, Scout Arnold and Scout F.Winyard.