The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, April 11, 1932.
香港英四月十一號 禮拜一
No 23,674
Page 1
A series of thefts from worshippers at the Roman Catholic Cathedral had a sequel before Mr. Wyane Jones at the Central Police Court this morning when an unemployed Chinese appeared on a charge of stealing a felt hat belonging to Mr. Lo Pok-wan.
The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge.
Sub Inspector J.Dick, who prosecuted, said that yesterday morning Mr. Lo was attending the service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral and had left his seat to participate in a part of the service. He left his hat on the seat, from which it was taken away by the defendant. There had been quite a number of complaints, although none hnd been made to the police, of such thefts from persons attending the Cathedral. The troop of Boy Scouts attached to the Cathedral volunteered to keep a lookout and yesterday morning during the service one of the Scouts, S.Faria, saw the defendant taking Mr. Lo's hat.
On enquiry his Worship was informed that Faria had not been able to attend Court.
According to Sub Inspector Dick, the defendant was banished for life from Singapore in 1929 following four previous convictions there.
Sentence of three months' hard Iabour was imposed.