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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Monday, May 30, 1932.
香港英五月三十號 禮拜一


No 23,717
Page 12



   The Catholic Girl Guides celebrated the coming of age of the Guide movement by attending a High Pontifical Mass officiated by H.E. Mongr. H.Valtorta at the Catholic Cathedral on Sunday morning. The 2nd. Hongkong Catholic Scouts were also present.
   After Mass, the Guide Captain, in the presence of Mongr. H.Valtorta and Rev. Fr. Byrne, Vice President of the Catholic Scout, officially opened the new Headquarters of the Catholic Scouts, and the Guides were invited to breakfast by their brother Scouts.
   The Scoutmaster, in the course of a speech, said:- On behalf of the Catholic Scouts I wish to extend to our sister Guides a very hearty welcome. It is Iaid down in the principles that the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides should always cooperate with each other and this morning's ceremony shows that we have such cooperation here. This week is a red letter week for the Guides, for it makes their coming of age, the Iaying of a foundation stone of their hut and also the formation of a new Guide Company at the St. Mary's School. This week is also the 4th anniversary of the Catholic Group and the opening of their the quarters and therefore it is also a red letter week for the Group. During the last few years we were much handicapped owing to the lack of a proper headquarters and it was mainly due to the efforts of our Patron that this tower is available to us as quarters. We have taken a long time over it, as nearly everything had to be done by the Scouts themselves. The quarters are not quite complete yet, we hope soon to hold a display of Scoutcraft and handiwork when it is ready. On behalf of the Group we offer our heartiest congratulations to Mgr. Valtorta on his attaining his Ecclesiastical Golden Jubilee. We wish to present to the Guides a little souvenir as a mark of our cooperation. We wish to thank Rev. Fr. Byrne and the Guides for being present this morning at our functions and specially the Guide Captain in consenting to open our new quarters. We wish them every sucess in good Guiding.
   Before the Guides left, the Scouts gave three cheers to them, which were reciprocated. In the afternoon the Guides and Catholic Scouts attended the solemn procession of Corpus Christi at the Cathedral.

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