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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Saturday, June 25, 1932.

No. 28,143
Page 13


Enjoyable Visit to Regional Seminary.

   On Sunday, June 19, in spite of the inclement weather, 35 Scouts of the 2nd H.K. Catholic Group of Boy Scouts, with smiles and adventure on their faces ventured to Aberdeen.
   They arrived at Aberdeen at 11 o'clock embarking on the "Armadas" of Aberdeen, like the ancient pirates on their lusty quest. Sailing loftily they arrived at their Treasure Island, which however proved to be a sort of a Peninsula.
   At the gates of the Regional Seminary the Scouts were welcomed by Rev. Frs. Kennedy and Gallahar who kindly gave their full facilities to make their visit an enjoyable one.

Swimming and Diving.

   They had a swim and made good use of the diving board. Full justice was done to the refreshments provided by the Fathers, while the Scoutmaster (Mr. D.W.Luke) had tiffin with them.
   Most of the Scouts took the opportunity of passing the 2nd class cooking Tests and also practised for the 1st class cooking.
   Father Finn kindly showed the Scoutmaster a fine collection of ancient vases, bowls, stone spears, etc., of the Han and Chow Dynasty. He carefully explained the collection in detail.
   After a volleyball match and a rest they had a last dip and changed into uniform. They returned in time arriving at town safe and sound.
   The trip to Aberdeen proved a very enjoyable picnic for all as at the same time it was very instructive. The boys learned a great deal of interesting facts en route.
The Regional Seminary is a nice and imposing building of Chinese design and the British Jesuit Fathers in charge are very kind and interested in Scouting. Many thanks are due to them for their hospitality. It is hoped that another visit will be made soon.

   This Sunday there will be lectures on different scouting subjects.

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