The China Mail.
Hongkong, Saturday, August 20, 1932.
No. 28,191
Page 3
The 1st Hong Kong Sea Scouts are making preparations to shift into their new headquarters, which will probably be situated on the top floor of the newly erected Seamen's Institute, in Gloucester Road, overlooking the harbour. Patrol corners have already been booked, it is understood, by the four patrols, Buffalo, Sea Lion, Seal, and Seagull. The Chaplain of the Institute is the Rev. Mr. Waldegrave, Commissioner of Hong Kong Scouts.
The Pinang Gazette has commenced a Scouts' corner, allotting a little over two columns to the movement. It is titled The Scout's corner by "The Wolf," and contains a report on the activities of the 1st. Province Troop.
"The Wolf" writes:-
"I hear that the number of Scouts who have submitted their names for the First Class Badge Tests, is negligible when compared with the number of Second Class Scouts there are in Penang. This is not promising, and Scoutmasters would do well if they were to encourage their Scouts to take the Tests. The Tests are quite simple and there should be no reason why Scouts who claim to have passed their Second Class Badge Tests should not go in for them. However, it is pleasing to note that the Scouts are practising hard for the Tests. Good luck to those who are going in for the Tests, and I hope to be able to record a good number of First Class Scouts in these columns at the end of the year."