Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Hongkong, Sunday, October 9, 1932.
中華民國二十一年 歲次壬申年九月初十日
Vol. IX. No. 450.
Page 1 & 11

Recipient Of "Thanks Badge."
In appreciation of his kind services to the Hong Kong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association. His Excellency Major General J.W.Sandilands, C.B., C.M.O., D.S.O., General Officer Commanding, was the recipient of the Thanks Badge from the Association yesterday afternoon. The presentation was made by the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave (Commissioner), in the presence of a large gathering of Scouters and Scouts in the hall of the V.R.C., the conclusion of the swimming sports.
The Commissioner spoke in eulogistic terms of the General's connection with both the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides movements here. The Scouts would long remember the afternoon they spent on Empire Day this year at Flagstaff House, when H.E. was host to nearly 300 boys, Mr. Waldegrave referred to the General as "a jolly good friend," and said he would be greatly missed when he left the Colony.
The President of the local Association (Hon. Dr. Kotewall), endorsed the Commissioner's remarks.
Friend of Movement.
Dr. Kotewall said:- "Your Excellency, Mr. Waldegrave, ladies and gentlemen,- This Thanks Badge which we have the honour to present to His Excellency the General, is intended as a mark of our deep appreciation of what he has done for the Boy Scouts in particular, and for the youth of the Colony generally. When I use the term 'Boy Scouts' I include, of course, our sister organisation, the Girl Guides, in whom His Excellency has shown an equally keen personal concern, as was evidenced by the function yesterday when the Sandilands Hut for Girl Guides was opened.
"These manifestations of His Excellency's personal regard for the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides movement are merely reflections of his general kindness and interest in the youth of the Colony; so much so that while he remains the Colony's most notable bachelor he yet can claim to possess one of the largest families, for the youngsters all look to him as a benevolent foster father. It is a pity that His Excellency is not married, for his love of children and his keen sense of humour should make him an ideal husband and father!"
Dr. Kotewall Said, Smiling.
"In presenting His Excellency with this Thanks Badge we pay a tribute to his fine qualities, express thanks for his invaluable aid, and offer a souvenir of our association with a noble man and a good friend." (Applause).
Unexpected Honour
Replying, Major Gen, Sandilands expressed his gratitude for the honour paid him and gratification for the friendships made. It was entirely an unexpected gift. There were occasions, he said: when he felt he might have done more for the Boy Scouts movement, but his spare time was taken up with many other duties. The Girl Guides, he said, were quicker, for they grabbed him - a defenceless bachelor - the day he arrived and they had never let him get out of their clutches. (Laughter).
In concluding, His Excellency, said that he was leaving the Colony in three months time, probably on December 31, and if any one of them wanted, to marry him "they had better hurry up." (Laughter and prolonged applause).
Long War Service
Major General Sandilands has been G.O.C. China Command since 1929. Born in 1874, he was educated at Harrow, and entered the Army as a Second Lieutenant in 1897, rising to the rank of Major in 1915. He served in the Soudan Campaign and the South African Campaign, and was dangerously wounded at Noitgedacht. He also saw service in the European War, and commanded an Infantry Brigade from 1916 to 1924. He was Military Attache at The Hague from 1924 to 1928, and also at Berlin in 1927.
In 1928 he was promoted to the rank of Major General, being appointed to the China Command the following year. His A.D.C.'s are Captain D.R.M.Cameron, of the 2nd Cameron Highlanders, and Lieut. J.Baskervylle Glogg, of The Greys.
The G.O.C.'s successor is Major General O.C.Borrelt, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., C.B.E., Colonel of the King's Own Regiment.