The China Mail.
Hongkong, Friday, December 16, 1932.
No. 28,292
Page 12

H.E.'s Interest In Boy Scouts & Girl Guides.
The following letter has been received by the Colony Commissioner Girl Guides from His Excellency Major General Sandilands, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., General Officer Commanding the British Troops in China:-
H.E.'s Interest In Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Education of Military Children.
Dear Mrs. Southorn,- I consider that it would be an ungracious act, were I to leave Hong Kong, without expressing my grateful thanks to all those connected with the Hong Kong Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, for what they have done in the interests of the Military children during the past four years.
It is possibly not realized by the general public, that I am responsible for the education and well being of nearly 300 military children of school age, in the China Command, of whom over 200 are at present living in Hong Kong.
You will readily understand that it is no easy matter to provide healthy amusement and occupation for such a large family.
I trust that the children themselves share my appreciation for what is done for them, by those who devote their time and energies, in the cause for which the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides exist.