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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Wednesday, February 8, 1933.

No. 28,335
Page 4 & 5


Boy Scouts Association Annual Meeting
H.E. Sir William Peel Appeals For More Support

   A strong appeal for more Scout Officers to cope with the increase in membership in the movement, was made by His Excellency Sir William Peel, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., Chief Scout of the Colony, when he presided over the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association held at Sandilands' Hut yesterday afternoon.
   His Excellency remarked the Scout movement was the finest of the modern day and it was a movement which had contributed enormously to the training of youth.
There was a good attendance at the meeting.
   The President of the Association, Hon. Dr. Kotewall, addressed the meeting paying a warm tribute to the excellent work done by the Commissioner (Rev. G.T.Waldegrave) and his helpers.
   The Commissioner associated himself with Sir William's appeal.
   Supporting His Excellency on the dals were:- Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall (President), Rev. G.T.Waldegrave (Boy Scouts' Commissioner), Mrs. W.T.Southorn (Girl Guides' Commissioner), H.E. Major General O.C.Borrett, Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau (Treasurer), Mr. A.S.Mitchell (Secretary) and Rev. N.V.Halward.
   Others present included:- Hon. Sir William Shenton, Sir Shouson Chow, Hon. Dr. S.W.Ts'o, Commander J.B.Newill, Messrs. T.H.King, M.P.Talati, E.Wong Tape, M.K.Lo, Tang Shiu-kin, Mok Hon-sang, Li Yau-tsun, Chan Lim-pak, and Dr. Li Shu-fan and Dr. Ng Wah.

H.E.'s Speech.

   Sir William Peel said:- "I congratulate him and the Hong Kong branch of the Boy Scouts' Association on the very excellent increase in members in the past year amounting to about 11 per cent. There has been a reduction in the Wolf Cubs for the period ending 30th September, 1932, but I am glad to see that the number has been fully made up in the short period which has since elapsed. There is still, however, some shortage to which I had referred I think, at the last time I presided over the annual meeting, in regard to the number of suitable leaders available. It must be a great handicap to the Troops, and I appeal to members and non members to come forward to help in that respect.

Training Course.

   "You will see in the report that the training course for officers has been formed which has proved to be of great benefit, and I hope it will result in these new troops that are being started obtaining some the same degree of success as the old ones.
   "You will see also, in spite of that, that in any event it is difficult for officers to take part in all rallies held or had been proposed during the year. This leads to one conclusion that the number of people who are most prominent in various activities in Hong Kong are not as many as we would wish. I therefore appeal very strongly for new blood to come in and help them.

Toc H. Principles.

   "Members of the Toc H. who passed through here recently explained that one of the conditions for joining Toc H. was that members should definitely promise to do some form of service, and I take this opportunity of appealing to anyone proposing to join the Toc H. to consider whether the particular form of service may not lie in helping the Boy Scouts.
   "His Excellency commented on the success attained locally in camping. He was astonished at the enormous camping grounds in England, during his recent leave.
   "Work at Saiwan Camp, His Excellency, said, was progressing slowly. A sum of $5,000 was still due on the mortgage, and the Commissioner needed another $5,000 to enable him to bring that camp to a degree of efficiency. He therefore made an appeal or in kind or the very useful purpose.

Sea Scouts' Success.

   The Sea Scouts had a successful year and His Excellency congratulated them. He saw in this a very good branch and provided good training for boys who wished to take up a seafaring life.
   In conclusion, His Excellency addressed the very special thanks of the Branch to Dr. Kotewall for having been president for so many years in spite of the many calls on his time. He also liked to mention the names of the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau who had been a most excellent treasurer and who had been able to obtain much more money than most other people through his own activities and of his friends. Finally, he thought they would all agree with him that the success of the branch was, what it was, through the tact and energy of its Commissioner, Rev. Mr. Waldegrave.

Fine Movement.

   Speaking of himself, His Excellency said that he had the honour of being Chief Scout but he felt that his post had been rather sinecure, but this in no way lessened his intense interest in the movement. The Scout movement was one of the finest of the modern day, as it was a movement which had contributed enormously to the training of youth. He therefore took this opportunity to appeal very strongly for more help for making the Hong Kong branch a success (applause).

Girl Guides Thanked.

   In presenting his report, the Commissioner thanked Mrs. Southorn, Commissioner of the Girl Guides, for the use of Sandilands' Hut for the meeting. He mentioned that Mr. E.Cock had promised to take over the office of President on the expiry of Dr. Kotewall's tenure of office at the end of the present year, and referred, with regret, to the loss of the services of Lieutenant C.G.H.Christian and Messrs. C.Champkin and S.A.Sweet, Assistant Commissioners.
   The report was seconded by Mr. M.K.Lo and adopted.

Subscriptions Low.

   In presenting his report, the Hon. Treasurer pointed to the measure figure of $860 represented by subscriptions for the year. Having regard to the population of Hong Kong one would expect that amount would be a much larger one.
   While admitting that times were not prosperous he refused to believe at $360 was all that the Colony would give to this worthy cause like the Boy Scouts movement, and he took this opportunity of again appealing most strongly for their kind support.
   He thanked Mr. A.S.Mitchell for the kind assistance he had him in the matter of accounts.

Dr. Kotewall's Address.

   Addressing the meeting, the Hon. Dr. Kotewall said:- Permit me first of all to thank His Excellency the Chief Scout for his kind reference to me.
   This is the seventh time I am addressing you as President of the Hong Kong Boy Scouts Association, and I thank you for the great honour you have done me by reelecting me to the office for yet another year.
   One of the pleasing features of the Commissioner's Report is the excellent relationship still being maintained between our Association and old members of the Troops in various parts of China. It is a testimony to the value and potential scope of our movement as well as to the beneficial lessons inculcated by the Commissioner and his officers. Another pleasing feature to which I wish to make special reference is the cooperation between our sister organisation the Girl Guides, and ourselves along the most harmonious lines.

Mrs. Southorn Thanked.

   .... This happy cooperation is due to the Commissioner of the Girl Guides, Mrs. Southorn, whose presence gives us so much pleasure.
   We welcome his Excellency the General on our new Council. His consenting to serve is evidence of his kindly interest in us.

H.E.'s Practical Interest.

   I desire to express on behalf of the whole Association our deep appreciation of the practical interest which His Excellency the Chief Scout always takes in us, as exemplified by his attendance here today. His Excellency has moderately remarked that he feared he has allowed his office of Chief Scout to become rather a sinecure. We know how busy His Excellency is, but he always finds time to give us all the help we need.
   All of us, from the Commissioner down to the newest recruit, feel that we can at all times rely on the Chief for that help and guidance which he has so abundantly afforded us in the past.

Election of Council.

   The election of members of the Council for the current year resulted as follows:- Mr. A. el Arculli, The Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, Sir W.W.Hornell, Mr. T.H.King, Mr. A.J.Lane, Mr. L.Jowson, Mr. M.K.Lo, Mr. C.M.Manners, Commander J.Newill, Bishop of Victoria, Mr. N.L.Smith, Commodore E. MacD. Lawrie, Mr. Mok Hon-sung, Major General O.C.Borrett, Lt. Col. T.A.Robertson, C.A. de Roza, Hon. Sir William Shenton, Mrs. W.T.Southorn, Mr. M.P.Talati, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, Hon. Dr. S.W.Ts'o, Rt. Rev. Bishop Valtorta, Mr. Wong Kwong-tin, Mr. Justic Wood, Mr. B.Wylie and Representatives of C.A.A., C.R.C. and Tung Wah Hospital Committee.

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