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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Thursday, September 14, 1933.
香港英九月十四號 禮拜四


No 14100
Page 7



   To The Editor,
      Hongkong Telegraph.

   Sir,- I suppose there are very few people in these days who will be found to deny the usefulness of the Girl Guide and Boy Scout Movements which have grown so remarkably during the last twenty five years. There is, however, a tendency on the general public to take these Movements rather for granted and to forget that there is constantly a need for Guiders and Scouters and also for financial support.
   Here in Hongkong one has often heard the criticism made that not enough is seen of the work which the Guides and Scouts do and that therefore one cannot expect to receive the financial support which would probably be forthcoming if we had greater publicity. Our Movements do not go out of their way to court publicity, but great Rallies and Jamborees which are effective means of bringing the Movements before the Public are difficult to arrange in a place like Hongkong. On Saturday evening, September 23rd there will be a chance for members of the Hongkong Public who are interested to see a little of what Guides and Scouts can do. A concert with demonstration is being organised by the Guides and Scouts of St. Paul's Girls' and Boys' Colleges, and it will be held in St. Paul's Girls' College commencing at 7.30 p.m. The demonstrations will include Boxing, First Aid, Signalling, etc., and the concert items will include two short plays to be given by the Guides and Scouts themselves. In addition the following have very generously offered their help:- Mr. Ronald True and the "Cheero" Band, the Misses Stella and Helen Ho and Mr. E.F.Selk. A small proportion of the proceeds will be devoted to the equipment funds of the Company and Troop organising the Concert and with the balance, which it is to be hoped will be a considerable one, we intend to form the nucleus of two Endowment Funds from which grants may be paid to assist poor Guide Companies and Scout Troops. We hope that many will consider the cause a worthy one, and if it is impossible for some to attend the Concert we shall be very glad to receive donations towards the Endowment Funds.

Yours faithfully,
Assistant Commissioner,
Boy Scouts Association.

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