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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Friday, September 22, 1933.
香港英九月廿二號 禮拜五


No 14106
Page 7



   A Guide and Scout Concert is being held tomorrow evening at St. Paul's Girls' College, Kennedy Road, proceeds of the entertainment being in aid of a very worthy cause.
   Perhaps the success of any concert is assured when it is known that Mr. G.W.True's Cheero Band is part of the programme, but when to this is added that the Misses Stella and Helen Ho, the classical dancers, and Mr. E.F.Selk, of local club swinging fame, are also taking part, not only is success a foregone conclusion, but the organizers can be assured that the attendance will adequately compensate them for the time and expense involved in producing an entertainment of this description.
   The proceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to Guide and Scout Charities, a cause that is undoubtedly worthy if only because it brings into the lives of young people, members of the Guide and Scout Movements recreation and happiness and a useful training in a variety of subjects which, in all probability they would not receive from other source.

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