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Hongkong Daily Press.

Hongkong, Monday, September 25, 1933.
英壹仟玖佰卅叁年玖月廿伍日 禮拜壹

No. 23,447

Page 12


Concert, & Impressive Church Parade at Kowloon

   It was purely a coincidence that the 1st Kowloon Troop (St. Andrew's Troop) decided to hold their annual church parade yesterday, the day following the entertainment arranged by the 2nd Hong Kong Company of Girl Guides and the 10th Hongkong Troop of Scouts. It was certainly a happy coincidence for it enabled members of both movements to celebrate throughout practically an entire weekend of scout and guide work. A little unfortunate however is the fact that the "At Home" to be given by the Kowloon Troop on Saturday afternoon had to be postponed for this event, coupled as it would have been with the other two displays, would have completely filled the cup of happiness of our younger people.

A Splendid Entertainment.

   Before 7.15 p.m. on Saturday evening the entrances to St. Paul's Girls', Macdonnell Road, were thronged with people endeavouring to obtain their seats in the large hall prior to the concert. The sturdy sea scouts were much in evidence doing splendid work both in arranging accommodation for seat holders as well as behind the stage, scene shifting, etc.
   It would take up too much space to describe in detail all the items of the long programme as well as the excellent quality of the concert, but we have to state that, with the exception of the delightful dance numbers by the Misses Ho, the display of club swinging by Mr. Selk, and the enjoyable musical items by the Cheero Band, all the fare was rendered by Chinese Guides and Scouts, everyone doing credit to the grown ups responsible for their training. ''That's You'' the play performed by the 10th Scout Troop was definitely a home grown product for it was written by Sham Yiu Kam a member of the Troop. Mr. Sham also played one of the leading parts. Other items were songs and displays typical of both Movements.
   Towards the close of the performance speeches were delivered by the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave and the Rev. N.V.Halward, Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner respectively of The Boy Scout Movement locally.

   Whilst all connected with the entertainment worked exceedingly hard to put on a splendid show, special thanks should be given to Captain (Miss) Zimmern and Mr. Halward who were responsible for all arrangements and training.

Church Parade At Kowloon.

   The brilliant sunshine helped in no small measure to enhance the effect of the event in the grounds of St. Andrew's Church yesterday morning when the 1st Kowloon Troop of Scouts under the leadership of Mr. R.Dormer, Scoutmaster, paraded en masse to attend the annual church service held especially for their benefit in their parish church.
   Precisely at 11 a.m., the choir wended its way up the aisle to the accompaniment of a hymn. It was pleasing to note that a number of the choir boys were in scout uniform. Then came a small procession of scouts, guides, cubs, and brownies, these being special colour bearers who reverently assisted in placing their banners upon the alter. The order of service was in accordance with the prayerbook, with the exception that special prayers were said for the guide and scout movements. The officiating clergyman was the Vicar of Kowloon, the Rev. W.Walton Rogers, who was assisted by the Rev. N.V.Halward, Deputy Commissioner for Scouting.
   Mr. Halward gave a stirring address greatly appreciated by the many parents and others interested in the welfare of the future citizens of the colony. The lesson was read by Scoutmaster R.Dormer. Apart from the full compliment of the 1st Kowloon Troop, other troops represented were Dyer's Own (The Kowloon Dock Troop), the 6th Kowloon (The Diocesan Boys' School Troop), St Andrew's Cubs, and the Diocesan Girls' School Guides and Brownies.
   After the service the 1st Kowloon Troop again lined up for inspection, and the ceremony of presenting badges of the Royal Life Saving Society was performed by Mr. Halward in his official capacity of Deputy Commissioner. The recipients of these badges were Victor Bond and Jack Mackay, both members of well known Kowloon families.

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