The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, December 12, 1933.
香港英十二月十二號 禮拜二
No 14175
Page 13

Presenting the prizes at the Ellis Kadoorie School this morning the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau heartily congratulated Mr. J.Ralston, Headmaster, on the splendid results of the year's work, adding that they reflected great credit on the staff and students.
Hon. Mr. Chau regretted the impending departure of Mr. Ralston to take over other duties and deeply sympathised with the School in the loss it would sustain. He wished Mr. Ralston every success in his new sphere of usefulness.
Mr. N.L.Smith, Director of Education, proposed thanks to Hon. Mr. Chau and referred to his associations with that gentleman's father, adding that his expectations as to whether Mr. T.N.Chau would follow in his father's footsteps had been fulfilled in every respect. Mr. Smith said the school, above all others, was a monument to Chinese endeavour.
Unfortunately, certain irregularities were brought to light regarding the conduct of some members of our Ellis Kadoorie School Troop of Boy Scouts. In spite of diligent search and enquiry, no suitable officers could be found to take charge, and the activities of the troop have regretfully been discontinued. I hope this will prove only a temporary suspension of this useful influence in school life.
I desire to thank publicly the donors of the scholarships presented today. No Headmaster's speech is complete without formal reference to the good work of his teachers. I have never paid tribute to the labours of a more willing and able staff. I shall part with you all with great regret when I proceed from here on transfer next week. The school, however, is fortunate in that my place as Headmaster will be filed by Mr. Kay. (Applause). I feel certain you will all be glad to have him back. In conclusion I wish to thank the visitors for their attendance - especially the Hon. Mr. Chau whom we are all delighted to welcome among us today. Mr. Chau has honoured us by
consenting to distribute these prizes and scholarships won by the recipients in the recent Annual Examinations. I now invite him to do so and I hope he will address us afterwards. (Applause).