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Hongkong Daily Press.

Hongkong, Friday, May 11, 1934.
英壹仟玖佰卅肆年伍月拾壹日 禮拜伍

No. 23,640

Page 6


In Search of Parents

   Traveling over two continents in search of his parents, Joseph Keresztesi Kiss, a Hungarian Boy scout arrived in the Colony yesterday by a British vessel en route to Shanghai where he hopes to end his search. Kiss left Hungary with 11 shillings, a passport and in a Scout's uniform, carrying with him the well wishes of Hungarian Ministers, Franz Von Papen, the German Vice Chancellor and a letter of commendation from the Chief Scout, Lord Baden Powell, when the latter was in Hungary at the recent World Jamboree.
   Kiss left Budapest in November 1933 by aeroplane to Cidna, gaining free transport for the initial stage of his journey. Then to Vein, Gratz, Klagenfurt and to Trieste.
   He could not get a free passage in Italy so he worked his way to Rome, to Naples, to Sicily and then on to Genoa. There he obtained free passage aboard a Norwegian vessel the m.s. Gundersen which carried him to Port Said.
   In Egypt, Maj. Johnstone Hogg, District Commissioner of Scouts, wrote a plea for assistance and recommended Kiss to the British Consul in Port Said. As a consequence an English ship conveyed the young man to Penang, Singapore, and Hongkong.

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