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Hongkong Sunday Herald.

Hongkong, Sunday, August 26, 1934.

中華民國二十三年 歲次甲戌年七月十七日

Vol. IX. No. 548.
Page 1 & 12



OVER 600 local Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Wolf Cubs, and Brownies, representative of many nations, assembled at Mountain Lodge yesterday afternoon for the annual "At Home" given by the Chief Scout of Hong Kong, His Excellency the Governor, Sir William Peel, K.C.M.G., K.B.E.
   From 2 o'clock onwards the various troops made their way to the Peak, gathering at Mountain Lodge for the parade at 3 p.m. The arrival of His Excellency, accompanied by Lady Peel, President of the Girl Guide movement in Hong Kong, Lady Southorn, Girl Guide Commissioner, and the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, Scout Commissioner, was the signal for a great outburst of cheering.
   Following His Excellency's address, the assembly were entertained to tea.

   Among those present were Mrs. G.Herklots, District Commissioner of Guides, Mrs. W.Phillips, Acting Secretary for Guides, Mrs. Longworth, Brown Owl of the Shameen Pack; Rev. N.V.Halward, Assistant Commissioner of Scouts, Mr. E.Cock, President of Hong Kong Scouts' Association, Mr. R.Dormer, District Commissioner, Messrs. A.S.Mitchell and G.S.Dunkley, Hon. Secretaries.
   His Excellency welcomed those present on behalf of Lady Peel and himself and thanked them for "bringing the improvement in the weather," about which he had been so pessimistic. He hoped that they would enjoy themselves and that the various units would mix together.
   During the course of his speech His Excellency said:
   "It is necessary that I should strike one sad note. This is probably the last occasion of this kind that we shall have Mr. Waldegrave with us, as he is leaving next Tuesday. He has been in charge of the Scouts for some 13 years during which time the movement has made great progress.
   "There were when he came here, if my figures are cor
rect, the following troops;- 1 Sea Scout Troop, 8 Scouts Troops, 3 Cub Packs, and one Rover Troop. Today there are two Sea Scouts Troops, Six Cub Packs, and Five Rover Troops.
   "This progress speaks volumes for his work and he was quite rightly rewarded some years ago with the decoration of the Silver Wolf.


   "Mr. Waldegrave is an ideal Commissioner. He begins, if I may say so, with the stature of an ideal Church militant and has great human understanding, tact, and sympathy. He is very insistent on efficiency and that has mainly been responsible for the increase of the troops. If the troop has got to be allowed to exist it has got to be efficient.
   "He is going Home, deservedly, after all these years, but I am sure his thoughts will often be across the seas with you for whom he has done so much. I have been asked as Chief Scout to make a presentation from the scouts. In token of their affection and regard for him, and I have much pleasure in doing so. I hope he will be able to keep his eye on you with this very useful telescope.
   "I take the opportunity of thanking him myself for the great work he has done in the Colony, and I wish him great happiness in his retirement."


   His Excellency then handed Mr. Waldegrave a handsome telescope on which was engraved:
   "Presented to the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, M.B.E., M.A., Colony Commissioner, Hong Kong Boy Scouts' Association as an inadequate token of his devoted services to the Scout Corps for 13 years in the Colony by the Council, Scouters, Scouts, and Cubs."
   Lady Peel in a short speech said: "I have been asked to give you this "Thanks" Badge from the Brownies and Girl Guides, and I will just read what the accompanying illuminated address says:
   "This "Thanks" Badge is presented to the Rev. G.T.Waldegrade, M.B.E., Commissioner Boy Scouts' Association of Hong Kong as a token of their warm appreciation of his unfailing support and help, and as a souvenir of the friendship existing between the Scout and Guide organisations in Hong Kong. Signed by Violet Peel (President), Belle Southorn (Colony Conimissioner), Evelyn Grist (Assis. Commissioner), Iris Herklots (District Commissioner), Winifred Phillips (Hon. Secretary), and Dorothea Danby (Hon. Treasurer)."
   In reply the Rev. Waldegrave said he could hardly find words to express his appreciation of everybody's tributes and gifts.


   "I don't know what they will think of me in England for wearing Girl Guide badge - they may think I have skirts on me somewhere," he said amid laughter.
   Continuing, the Rev. Mr. Waldegrave said he wished to thank the subscribers to the draft with which he had also been presented, and said he would probably get a writing desk with it at Home.
   "I have had a tremendously jolly time in Hong Kong. This is a wonderfully fine place for scouting, though of course you can't go about chopping down trees anywhere. You can't do that in England, which is a very fine scouting country, too. I used to have a troop in a slum area there, and we had to walk three miles before we found a bit of grass and a tree to climb, and while we were marching through the streets the people used to shout "Yah! Yah! Dirty knees… etc. (Laughter).
   "It was things like that which made scouting difficult, but which produced some very good scouts.
   "I am glad there remains that close friendship between the two movements of scouts and guides... which is largely due to the efforts of Lady Southorn. I hope the jubilee celebrations in May next will be a great success. Remember your promises. They may be tremendously hard to keep, but it is worthwhile, if only for their worth when you grow olders."


   Warrants and Hat Badges were presented to the following by His Excellency the Governor after tea.


   Quah Cheow-cheong, 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College)
   William Cecil Low, 4th Hong Kong (Murray)
   Liang Hai, 13th Hong Kong Troop.
   Siu Cheun Woo, 8th Kowloon Troop.
   Cheung King-pak, 18th Hong Kong (Cheung Chau)


   Edward Hung, 5th Hong Kong.
   Frederick Victor Wong, 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew's)
   George Ronald Ross, 4th Hong Kong (Garrison)
   Graham Sidamore Percival Heywood, 6th Hong Kong.
   Li Yau-sing, 18th Hong Kong (Cheung Chau)


   Lim Kim-chuan, 1st Hong Kong pack .
   George Edward Mitchell, 4th Hong Kong pack.


   Miss Florence Wong, 1st Kowloon pack (St. Andrew's)
   Miss Ho Beng-chong, 1st Hong Kong pack.
   Miss Iris Lillian Woolley, 1st Kowloon pack (St. Andrew's).


   The troops present and those in charge were:


   The Sea Scouts, under Commissioner Rev. G.T.Waldegrave and Mr. D.S.Pockson, Assistant Scoutmaster.
   1st Hong Kong Troop, under Scoutmaster Quah Cheow-cheong and Assistant Scoutmaster George Roylance.
   1st Kowloon Troop (S.Andrew's) under Scoutmaster R.Dormer and Assistant Scoutmaster R.H.Wong.
   4th Kowloon Troop (Garrison) under Scoutmaster G.R.Ross.
   7th Kowloon Troop, under Scoutmaster Kwok King-chuen and Assistant Scoutmasters Poon Lai-chuen and Johnson Kong.
   17th Hong Kong Troop (Chung Nan College), under Assistant Scoutmaster Tam Wing-on.

   4th Hong Kong Troop (Murray) under Scoutmaster W.C.Low.
   7th Hong Kong troop (King's College) under Assistant Scoutmaster Chak Kwong-kui.
   China Deep Sea Scouts, under Mr. A.J.Manuel.
Roving 5th, under Assistant Scoutmaster J.L.Youngsaye.
   12th Hong Kong Troop, (Queen's College) under Assistant Scoutmaster, Lee Chung-yui.


   4th Kowloon Company under Mrs. W.Bird, Captain, Miss W.Robinson, acting captain and Miss
D.Jan, Lieutenant.
   3rd Hong Kong Company, under Mrs. G.Herklots, Captain, and Miss G.Choy, Lieutenant.
   2nd Kowloon Company, under Miss G.Kroutskaya, Captain, and Miss I.Botellho, Lieutenant.
   3rd Kowloon Company, Diocesan Girls' School under Patrol Leader Vivienne Ho.
   1st Kowloon Company, under Miss B.Moses, Captain.

   5th Kowloon Company, under Miss B.Moss, Captain, Miss R.Blackmore and Miss P.Everest, Lieutenants.
   6th Kowloon Company, under Mrs. F.Bousfield, Captain.


   1st Hong Kong pack, under Cubmaster Lim Kim-huan.

   14th Hong Kong pack, under Cubmaster A.J.Manuel.
   9th Kowloon (Scottish) pack, under Cubmistress S.Dalziel and Assistant Cubmistress B.Walker.
   12th Kowloon pack, under Cubmistress Mrs. E.J.Easterbrook.
   11th Hong Kong pack, under Cubmistress Mrs. J.Deville and Assistant Cubmistress J.Priestly.
   1st Kowloon pack (St. Andrew's) under Cubmistress Miss F.Wong and Assistant Cubmistress I.Woolley.


   6th Hong Kong pack, under Mrs. G.F.Hole, Brown Owl, and Mrs. R.H.Wild, Tawny Owl.
   4th Kowloon pack, (Maryknoll Convent School) under Miss M.P. d'Eca, Brown Owl.


   H.E. the Governor, Sir William Peel, acknowledging the howls of the Brownies and Cubs at Mountain Lodge yesterday. In the picture are Lady Southorn, Captain Walter, A.D.C., the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave and the Rev. N.V.Halward.- (King's Studio).

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