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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Thursday, September 27, 1934.

No. 28,841
Page 5


Hong Kong & Kowloon Troops Tie

   As a result of the heats of the Scouts' Swimming Sports, which were held in the V.R.C. bath yesterday the 2nd Hong Kong and 1st Kowloon Troops are on a level standing. The finals will be held on Saturday afternoon.
   The following will swim in the finals on Saturday:-
50 Yards Senior Championship:-
   N.Lee (5th. Kowloon), A.Azado (2nd H.K.), J.Dudley (6th. K.), and M.Gaan (2nd. H.K.).
100 Yards Senior Scouts Championship:
   Tang Hung-tak (19th, H.K.), N.Lee (5th. K.), M.Gaan (2nd H.K.), A.Azado (2nd. H.K.), S.Lee. (1st K.), and J.Dudley (6th. K.).
25 Yards Senior Cubs:-
   R.Lawrence (12th. K.), G.Azevedo (2nd. H.K.), R.Sauchez (2nd. H.K.), and B.Vincent (4th, H.K.).
25 Yards Junior Cubs:-
   D.Andrewa (4th. H.K.), S.Dorling (9th. K.), J.Lindsay (1st. K.), L.Osmund (2nd. H.K.), R.Thompson (12th. H.K.), F.Finaird (14th. H.K.) and J.Way (1st. K.).
   Senior Scouts:- Han Teng-yuan (19th. H.K.), Tang Hung-tak (19th. H.K.), G.Arnold (1st. K.), S.Lee (1st. H.K.), V.Cunsen (1st K.) and N.Lee (5th. K.).
   Junior Scouts:- Yee Wing-jing (Sea Scouts), G.Rozario (2nd. H.K.), W.Pryde (4th. H.K.), V.Saunders (4th. H.K.), F.Thompson (4th. K.), and F.Jarrett (6th. K.).
   Cubs:- B.Vincent (4th. H.K.), S.Pledger (4th. H.K.), A.Fraser (1st. K.), G.Saunders (9th. K.), A.Dorling (9th. H.K.), R.Lawrence (12th. K.).
50 Yards Back Stroke:-
   Senior:- H.Millington (1st. K.), W.Hicks (1st. K.), W.Pryde (4th, H.K.), A.Azado (2nd. H.K.) and H.Sommers (Sea Scouts).
   Junior:- Yee Wing-jing (Sea Scouts), Cheuk Hing-wo (18th. H.K.). F.Thompson (4th K.), and G.Rozario (2nd H.K.).
50 Yards Junior Championship:-
   D.Morris (4th K.), F.Thompson (4th. K.), Yee Wing-jing (Sea Scouts) and G.Rozario (2nd H.K.).
Life Saving Race:-
   Shiu Ka-sing (Sea Scouts), P.Wilson (Sea Scouts), J.Winyard (1st. K.) and H.Millington (1st. K.).
Inter Troop Relay:-
   2nd. H.K., 1st. K., 4th. H.K. and Sea Scouts.

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