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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Monday, October 1, 1934.
香港英十月一號 禮拜一


No 14412
Page 7


St. Andrew's Troop Retain Cup

   Two 1924 records, the 25 yards free style (Cubs) and the Interpack relay were broken at the annual swimming sports of the Boy Scouts' Association held in the V.R.C. bath on Saturday afternoon.
   The 25 yards record was broken by R.Sanchez (2nd. Hongkong) who covered the distance in 16.3/5 seconds, beating the previous mark, held by J.McCubbin, by one fifth of a second, while the relay mark was shattered by the 2nd. Hongkong, who clipped four seconds off the figures set by the Taikoo Pack, the previous holders.
   The Bird Challenge Cup was retained by the 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew's) troop who scored 18 points, while the President's Cup, for runners up, was again won by the Sea Scouts who secured 11 points. The Akela Cup for Wolf Cubs was won by the 2nd. Hongkong Pack. The previous holders, St. Andrews, failed to gain a point.
   At the conclusion of the meeting the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Poxon, while Mr. R.Dormer, acting Commissioner, presented a warrant to Mr. W.W.Scott, the Scoutmaster of the Sea Scouts.

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