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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Saturday, October 20, 1934.

No. 28,861
Page 7


Programme Includes Outside Artists

   Final arrangements are now well in hand for the Scout Concert to be held next Wednesday at the China Fleet Club Theatre at 8.45 p.m.
   The scouts of the 4th Hong Kong (Murray) under Scoutmaster Wm.C.Low, and the 4th. Kowloon (Garrison) under Scoutmaster G.R.Ross have spared no pains to make the entertainment the best of its kind ever staged in the Colony.
   Long experience at Home has shown that Concerts run entirely by Scouts are apt to become monotonous, and that the most satisfactory result is that of a Scouty background interlaced with local talent.
   It is hoped that the Committee responsible have achieved their aim in this Concert. The programme itself is a model of variety, containing within its bounds songs - tenor and soprano, piano solos, dancing humour, part singing, violin solos, and dance band music as well as plays and displays by the Scouts.
   The following artistes have promised their supports:-
   Mr. Victor Sanders, Professor G.Gonzales, Misses Helen and Stella Ho, Rev. J.N.Lewis Bryan, Mrs. Sinclair, Messrs. Grenham and Ferguson, and the talented Quartette of the Lincolnshire Regiment Messrs. King, Trowt, Kime and Goble.
   By kind permission of the Officer Commanding and the officers of the South Wales Borderers, the dance band will render popular up to date selections.
   The proceeds of the Concert are to be devoted to the funds of the 4th Hong Kong and 4th Kowloon Troops.
   Tickets at $2.00 (reserved) and $1.00 (unreserved) are now available either from the Scouts or from the Anderson Music Co.

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