Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Thursday, November 8, 1934.
英壹仟玖佰卅肆年拾壹月捌日 禮拜肆
No. 23794
Page 7

His Excellency The Governor Distributes The Prizes
Advice To Pupils On Good Manners And Traditions
The annual Speech Day of St. Stephen's College was held yesterday. His Excellency the Governor, Sir William Peel, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., giving away the prizes.
A very successful report for the past year was presented by the Warden, Rev. E.W.L.Martin, who said that the College obtained the best percentage of passes among the larger schools in the last Matriculation Examination.
In the course of his speech, His Excellency congratulated the College on its success in the Matriculation examination and the number of pupils who have entered the University, and advised the students on "the well known theme of tradition" and good manners.
Founder Of Institution Praised
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Hall presided and among those present were His Excellency the Governor and Lady Peel, accompanied by Capt. Walters, A.D.C., Sir William Hornell, the Hon. M.N.L.Smith, the Hon. Dr. S.W.Ts'o and Mrs. Ts'o, the Hon. Dr. A.W.Wellington (Protector of Chinese, Singapore), Mr. G.R.Sayer (Director of Education), Professor L.Forster, Rev. E.G.Powell, Rev. E.G.Stewart, Messrs. Kwok Siu Lau, Kwok Chan, Ng Wah, Mok Kon Sang, Tang Shiu Kin, Kan Tat Choi, Li Hoi Tung, Tam Siu Hong, Kwok Kay Man and Mok Hing Wing.
In calling upon the Warden of the College to present his report, Bishop Hall said that he was glad to be able, on behalf of the College, to thank His Excellency and Lady Peel in finding time to come out to St. Stephen's College and to distribute the prizes. He also wished on half of the School Council and of the whole School to say how glad they were to have Mr. and Mrs. Martin back again looking so well from their holiday (applause).
"Every wise parent," said the Bishop, "in Hong Kong and in the South Seas, sends their boy to be taken care of by Mr. and Mrs. Martin, and on behalf of the parents I thank them for their care and for the excellent work they have done."
Scouts and Sports
We have three Patrols of Scouts which give immense delight, and valuable training. For Sports the whole school is divided into four Groups. Keen and healthy competitions in football, athletics, basketball, swimming and tennis take place in their seasons. Debates, concerts, lantern lectures and discussion groups are held at weekends; and to fill in spare time there are clubs for painting, photography, music and radio. Social efforts are represented by the free dispensary in Stanley Village, under the resident school doctor (Major P.S.Stewart) and the support of a doctor by our students in the Tsang Shing District.
The Scout Movement
I am glad that the College is a strong supporter of the Scout Movement and that it pays considerable attention to various forms of sport. Its activities are very wide and there is no doubt that these can be made more comprehensive in a boarding school such as this than in the average day school.
I also wish to express my appreciation both on behalf of the Government and the Colony for the very valuable work which Dr. Stewart and the students have done in connection with the dispensary in Stanley Village. It is an excellent idea of social service especially service of such a useful nature. I have no doubt that the teaching of simple hygiene is part of the curriculum of the College.
The College was founded in 1903 and was a most praise worthy effort on the part of the founders to provide for this Colony a public school on the lines as understood in England. That it has achieved notable success as such is shown by the fact that the proportion of boarders has now reached the high figure of 96% thus justifying the wisdom and foresight of those who initiated the scheme. It is a great thing to have successfully launched such an Institution in this Colony. There is no doubt that such a School is of great influence in forming the character of its pupils. Moreover life in a community such a public school affords is of immense advantage. On these grounds in particular it is to be commended to such parents as can manage it to send their boys here.