The China Mail.
Hongkong, Saturday, December 1, 1934.
No. 28,897
Page 7
Messrs. Dormer & Wong For Melbourne
Hong Kong's representatives to the Pan Pacific Scouts' Jamboree to be held at Melbourne from December 27 to January 7, sailed yesterday afternoon by the s.s. Tanda.
The Hong Kong delegates are Mr. R.Dormer, District Scoutmaster of Kowloon and Scoutmaster of the 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew's) Troop of Boy Scouts, Mr. R.H.Wong, Assistant Scoutmaster, and Troop Leader Tsoi Mang-suen, of the 10th Hong Kong (St. Paul's College) Troop.
A large crowd of friends and brother Scouts from the St. Andrew's Troop, St. Paul's College Troop and 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College) Troop, gathered at the Kowloon Wharf, saw the representatives off.