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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Tuesday, February 19, 1935.

No. 28,962
Page 7


Attractive Programme Arranged For Saturday

   With the object of raising funds for the 1st Hong Kong Sea Scouts Troop, and increasing the popularity of the Sea Scouts as a vehicle for the instruction and amusement of our Youth, a Concert had been arranged and will take place on Saturday, at the Seamen's Institute, the Headquarters of the Troop. commencing at 8.30 p.m.
   In addition to several items by the Scouts themselves, many well known local Artists are giving their assistance, Mrs. Bruce Wilson, Messrs. W.J.T.Phelps, W.H.Billing and L.W.Peckham are contributing vocal items, Miss I.Phelps and Mr. N.Moran will play on the piano and violin respectively, while Mr. G.H.Ash, an increasingly popular humourist will also appear. The second appearance of the Girls' Glee Party, and of Mr. G.Evens' Male Voice Party are attractive items. Miss I.Phelps, Mr. G.Dudley Bartlett' and Mr. G.Evans will be the accompanists, and an excellent programme is assured.

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