The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, February 28, 1935.
香港英二月廿八號 禮拜四
No 14528
Page 11

Appeal For Support Made By Governor
His Excellency the Governor, Sir William Peel, Chief Scout, presiding at the annual meeting of the Hongkong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association, held at Sandilands Hut last evening, appealed for more support during the ensuing year so that the deficit of $521.73 could be wiped off.
Amongst those present were His Excellency the Governor, the Hon. Sir Thomas Southorn and Lady Southorn, Commodore Frank Elliott, His Honour Mr. Justice A.D.A.MacGregor, His Honour Mr. Justice R.E.Lindsell, the Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall, Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, Hon. Mr. S.W.Ts'o, Mr. E.Cock, Mr. G.R.Sayer, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin and Mr. Wong Kwong-tin.
A guard of honour, composed of representatives of the various troops in the Colony formed up at the entrance to the grounds, and prior to the meeting, His Excellency presented the Prince of Wales' Banner to the 1st. Hongkong (St. Joseph's) Troop, and Warrants to the following: the Rev. N.E.Halward, Commissioner; Mr. Quah Cheow-cheang, District Scoutmaster; Mr. T.J.Martin, Group Scoutmaster; Messrs. M.W.Scott, Ng Tse-tat, Cheung King-pak, C.R.Ross, Siu Chun-wa and Chan Fook-hong, Scoutmasters; Chak Ha-ka, Shum Yu-kum, Assistant Scoutmasters; Andre Lock and Miss Norah Didsbury Assistant Cubmasters.
H.E.'s Address
Addressing the meeting, His Excellency congratulated the branch on the very successful year it had enjoyed and on maintaining that activity which had been characteristic of the previous years. He also expressed congratulations on the record increase in all ranks. It was also most satisfactory to note that the camping had been so successful.
"After some years, of negligence" said His Excellency, "I managed to get down to the Camp last summer and was very much interested in the work going on there. It shows great interest on the part of the Scouts and I hope more people will visit it, and as a result of their visits will contribute something in order that we may got rich and repay the rather formidable sum of $6,000 which is still owing to the bank on the property.
"One of the most outstanding incidents of the year, if I may say so - it was an unfortunate one - was the loss to the branch of Mr. Waldegrave who retired last summer after 13 years' service in the Colony. As the report states the Chief Scout at Home, in recognition of Mr. Waldegrave's services, has appointed him Honorary Commissioner for Hongkong. Unfortunate though we are to lose Mr. Waldegrave, we are fortunate in having a worthy successor in the Rev. Halward (Applause).
"I see we have to welcome several new officials and I would like to refer to the services rendered by the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau for several years and I am glad to say although he had retired from the post of treasurer he is now a vice president.
"I also see that reference is made to the party which my wife and I had last summer for the Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies and I only hope that everyone there enjoyed themselves as she and I did."
Referring to the recent World Jamboree at Melbourne His Excellency said it seemed to have been a great success, Hongkong had sent three representatives who had paid their own expenses. He had recently received a letter from the Chief Scout thanking him for the wishes from Hongkong scouts that the Jamboree would be a success and expressing regret that it had not been possible for more representatives to attend.
Dealing with the balance sheet, His Excellency said there had been an excess of expenditure over income of $500 and he added "I appeal to Hongkong to render more support during the coming year in seeing that this deficit is not repeated next year, but is wiped off.
Election of Officers
Mr. E.Cock was reelected President and the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau vice President for the casuing year.
The following were elected to the Council: the Rev. N.V.Halward (Commissioner), Mr. E.Cock, (President), Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau (vice President), Messrs. Lo Koon-hang and Lo Koon-kan (Treasurers), Messrs. Thomson and G.S.Dunkley (secretaries), two representatives from each local Association, Mr. A.el Arcuill, Mr. C.Champkin, Dr. Chau Wai Cheung, the Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, Lt. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Commodore F.Elliott, the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Hongkong and South China, Sir Wm.Hornell, the Hon. Mr. T.H.King, the Hon. Mr. R.H.Kotewall, Mr. A.J.Lane, Mr. Lau Ping-chai, Mr. Li Gow-som Mr. R.C.H.Lim, His Honour Mr. Justice R.E.Lindsell, His Honour Mr. A.D.A.MacGregor, Major C.M.Manners, Mr. H.Phillips, (H.M. Consul General, Canton), Mr. G.R.Sayer, the Hon. Sir William Shenton, the Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Lady Southorn, Mr. M.P.Talati, Mr. W.N.Thomas Tam, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, The Hon. Mr. S.W.Ts'o, The Rt. Rev. Bishop H.Valtorta, Mr. Wong Kwong-tin, and Mr. B.Wylie.
The Rev. N.V.Halward, in the course of a short speech mentioned that the Hongkong branch in conjunction with the Girl Guides was holding a Jamborally in connection with the Silver Jubilee celebrations on May 8 on the Hongkong Football Club ground. Most of the preparatory work up to the present had been done by the Girl Guides and without their aid he did not know what would have happened. When the Scouts got going as well the public would no doubt see a very fine show.
He also mentioned the first rally for the Prince of Wales' Banner which was to be held on the H.K.V.D.C. ground on March 9.
Need for Leaders
He stressed the need of men to lead the Troops. He had recently been approached with regard to the formation of a Rover Crew. As a leader, a man of over 30 was needed and he pointed out the special qualifications he would have to be able to fulfill for that post. There were he said many young men in the Colony of 18 years and over who were simply aching for something to do in the way of Rovering.
Referring to Mr. A.S.Mitchell's impending departure, Mr. Halward said he had been Secretary of the branch since 1928 with the exception of the years 1931 and 1933 and part of 1934. The Association owed him much for the tremendous zeal and hard work he had put into his work as Secretary. His going would be a grievous loss.
Mr. Halward also expressed thanks to the Scouts and Scouters for their help, especially since the departure of Mr. Waldegrave.
Presentation of Thanks Badge
Presenting Mr. Mitchell with a Thanks Badge, His Excellency eulogised the work of Mr. Mitchell for social service in the Colony in his connection with the Scouts, Toc H and other organisations. He hoped he would keep himself in good training for such services after he went to Singapore and that they would see him back after a well earned leave.
Mr. Mitchell suitably replied.
Mr. Cock: On behalf of the assembly present I tender to your Excellency their best wishes and many happy returns of the day - (applause) - and I take this opportunity of thanking Your Excellency for all you have done for Scouts in Hongkong. I can only say, Sir, that without your support and interest Scouting would not be what it is in Hongkong. We are extremely grateful to you and to Lady Peel, who has assisted you, for the good work you have done. You are, Sir, if I may be familiar, a good Scout and we wish you health and happiness in your retirement. (Applause).
His Excellency: I really feel I have done little for Scouting in Hongkong although I have taken a great interest in it and have been glad to see the success it has achieved. Scouting is a fine movement and I am sure everyone will agree that Hongkong has contributed its full share to the movement. In leaving Hongkong I shall carry with me very pleasant memories of my associations with scouting and I shall continue to take an interest in hearing of its success in the future. (Applause).